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  1. G

    Hey Tobey and George...

    Mainiac, treed another nice one yesterday.had good luck Miller from this site woith me.Treed bears 2 out of three times he went his year.Those dogs I bought this spring are the real deal.I didnt want to say too much before training season ended.I have been really impressed, and it takes alot to...
  2. G

    Almost ready

    Good luck Tobey.Make sure you leave some for the poor dog hunters(!!). I have 3 out of 4 baits hitting regular down here now.That is pretty good for down this way.If you run short on donuts I may be able to help you out a little.
  3. G

    Hey Tobey and George...

    Try again
  4. G

    Hey Tobey and George...

    I only run about 4 or 5 baits.They are all for running dogs off.Had a heck of a day yesterday.Treed a big one 3 times.Dogs looked real good.we watched the ebar come out right into the dogs.Best show I have seen in 2 years !!! Heres me and Boone on tree and apic of the bear
  5. G

    Good day

    Youre welcome dale. Dont forget one of those dogs is half mine. this should work out good though. You getting her in shape during training season with your half of the time and me having her during kill season !!LOL I am pretty sure I will be heading up your way next weekend dale if you can run...
  6. G

    Ever Had This Happen ???

    gatoman, I have had several come into bear trees before. But this is unreal.I mean I was yelling and waving my arms and i could see them 40 yds away right on my track. I am glad I had 2 guys with me this morning to back my story. the one thats a guide couldnt believe it. He said if he hadnt seen...
  7. G

    Ever Had This Happen ???

    I have a bear bait in Maine thats about 20 miles from my house. It is an awesome bait. I have killed 5 bears with dogs from this bait in 2 years. There have always been coyotes around the bait. It is getting unreal now. I drive down the 4 wheeler road to the bait now and the yotes start...
  8. G

    Measured My Bear

    I have never had a skull or set of antlers measured before. I dont mean to sound too noble mostly it is I havent had many worth measuring.LOL I had a good friend of mine with me last year and we treed a real nice bear with 2 young dogs and my old dog Whiskey. My friend really wanted a rug done...
  9. G

    Dale and George...

    that is one thing that I would not put up with either,no matter how good the dog. I had a dog stare me down last summer.He won but was gone the next week.Nice dog too.
  10. G

    your first bear/lion dog??

    I have had beagle rabbit dogs and coonhounds since I was 18,23 years ago. I used to run my coonhounds on bears too. The first real bear hound I owned was Stormy.I bought him a few years ago from Tom ashley in N.Y. He ran and treed a bear totally by himself the day I tried him out. He would do...
  11. G

    Holy Moly......

    My feed is 26 protein,16 fat.Main ingregient is lamb.
  12. G

    Hey Buckshot(Tobey)

    where the heck you been? Did you see my pics below? Those are the dogs from out your way !! What have you been up to? 95 degrees here today. I havent run since last Wedensday its been too hot.Hope to get out in a couple days. Just noticed my Whitey dog coming into heat I think.Boy am I...
  13. G

    when's your mt.lion season?

    Catman, my email is [email protected]
  14. G

    Buckshot, George P, Maineiac, Tobey, Gatoman, Catman or others...

    BCA, good to se you are still around !! Keeping dogs quiet around the house is the one thing that I bet I have more experience with than most any one else !! I absoulutey cannot stand a dog barking around the house.I live right in the city and I mean Right in the city.There is a hospital 150yds...
  15. G

    when's your mt.lion season?

    10-4 to that Tobey. I checked every pic before i posted them to make sure there was nothing on them that may have been misconstrued by someone to be illegal.
  16. G

    Where can i find hound hunting videos??? By the way, Maineiac, George and Tobey . . .

    Glad you made it here Josh. I will give you a call sunday night,if I forget call me. I am not going this weekend,too hot.
  17. G

    Here's yesterday's bear tree.

    JJ, I too prefer the walkers,although I am not color blind and will use what ever does the job. I feel the same way about the plott dogs as you do. 4 of the 5 dogs pictured here are dogs that I bought this spring.This is the first time I had them out. I was pretty happy. You know how much bear...
  18. G

    Here's yesterday's bear tree.

    And heres the bear!!He was way up so pic quality is a little poor.I will do better next time !!! <FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 19 July 2001 16:00: Message edited by: George P ]</font>
  19. G

    Here's yesterday's bear tree.

    Heres Miller at his first bear tree with whiskey and Radar <FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 19 July 2001 15:52: Message edited by: George P ]</font>
  20. G

    Here's yesterday's bear tree.

    Heres Whitey and Magic
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