Landowner tags and transferable private land tags are coming. You heard it here first. People will be bought. Some people would sell their sister to the whore house if they could get a little something that benefits them. That’s become quite clear.
I wish I could say I didn’t see this whole wreck coming.
I’ve got a prediction for everyone. Palms will be greased. Politicians, commissioners and other task force members will get things. Maybe private land access, cash, bull tags,
I'm sure I've probably missed the answer in these 63 pages, so I'll ask it. Is the Wyoming Game and fish moving forward with hunter harassment charges against the ranch employees? If I was a Wyoming resident, I'd be demanding such.
Thanks for proving my point again.
If you insulted and argued with people like this in person, I'm guessing you would end up with your head stuck in a toilet.
Your insults and nonsense are well documented all over the internet hunting forums.
Who's the bigger turd in this case? The landowner, or the Carbon County DA?
Is Her decision to have these guys charged based on the belief she is doing what's best for the residents of Carbon County?
I don't know much about the case, but I'll wager it has a lot to do with the landowner's money...
Sometimes the truth is painful.
Have you ever entertained the idea for pursuing this change? Surely a big wheel like yourself, could get things rolling.
If the people of Wyoming want this rule changed, it could happen. Unfortunately, it appears the wilderness guide rule is more about Resident hunter welfare than outfitter welfare.