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  1. P

    Interesting article on ESA

    I don't always agree with Landers, but he is spot on with this one.
  2. P

    Inline better than Deerstalker?

    The tightest groups I have ever shot at 100 yds with a muzzleloader, were with a .50 caliber patched round ball with 90 grains (by weight) of Goex FFFG, with a number 10 percussion cap. out of a custom Hawken.
  3. P

    long range gunwerks

    I was disappointed when Idaho broke down and legalized inline rifles a few years ago. They really should have kept the sidelock requirement. Granted, they still require loose powder (no pellets), no sabots, and exposed percussion caps only (no 209's), but the the spirit of muzzleloading is to be...
  4. P

    Panhandle OTC either sex tags...

    ...finally some positive news. IDFG are finally making mention of bringing back our OTC either sex season. Now if they would start talking about restoring the length of our elk season to pre-2008 levels, it would be very positive. Thank you wolf trappers! We love you...
  5. P

    "Privatization" of drawing process in Idaho...

    Sorry if this has already been posted. There is a private contractor that handles online tag sales for Idaho, and they charge an exorbitant fee. I'm guess this fuktard is getting some kind of kick back from such a vendor for bring this bill forward. What other motivation could their be...
  6. P

    Idaho TAG GRAB and auction info

    This is one of the most frustrating things about politics in Idaho. Everything happens off the record in "ad hoc committees". There is rarely any transparency into who actually supports or opposes a bill. So many spineless little weasels that don't have the balls to stand up in public. As far...
  7. P

    Idaho TAG GRAB and auction info

    Who is behind the additional tags piece? Who is driving it?
  8. P

    Hunting in Yellowstone NP?

    I'm not an expert on the bison situation in Yellowstone, but from what I have seen, it looks like a pretty big sh*t show. Reading the below, I can't help but think that the most logical solution would be to allow limited and tightly controlled bison hunting inside the park? If bison numbers...
  9. P

    Grizzly season?

    Wow! Randy, thanks for the education on this issue, and thanks for your involvement!
  10. P

    Grizzly season?
  11. P

    Militia takes over wildlife refuge headquarters

    Here are some interesting insights into the background of the Malheur protesters. Kind of a strange connection to Mormonism.
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    Militia takes over wildlife refuge headquarters

    Here's how to de-escalate this situation. Walk up to the building they are occupying with a camera. Act like you're going to take their picture. Being ranchers, when you say "cheese" they will all line up with their hands out, and you can slap the cuffs on them. :-)
  13. P

    Idaho Elk

    "over 3000 people put in for 300 tags." - and yet there are people out there saying there aren't enough hunters and that we need to recruit more of them. If you can't hook up a bull with an OTC tag in Idaho, it reflects purely on your skill as a hunter, and not on how IDF&G manages things...
  14. P

    Importance of specific aspect in researching unit

    To me its all about the type of terrain and the access. Drawing odds are a fairly useless indicator of the quality of the hunt IMO.
  15. P

    Success Rates and Shoulder Seasons in Montana

    One thing to consider in your estimate, from data I have seen in the past, success rates decline with the length of the season. For example, most of the harvest takes place during the opening days of the season, tapering off steeply as the season continues.
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    Montana vs Idaho

    I'm an Idaho resident, but I lived in Montana for several years. If I had to pick one or the other it would be Montana, and that would be an easy choice to make.
  17. P

    Fin's 2016 Elk Strategy

    I'm an OTC elk hunter and always will be, but I find the discussion on drawings interesting. One question I have, it seems that the perception is that if a particular hunt has terrible drawing odds, then it must be a super high quality hunt? I'm unfamiliar with how other states are managed, but...
  18. P

    Need HELP!

    She probably needs a new rifle. One that you can borrow occasionally ;-)
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    Drilling for scope

    Just because it doesn't have a scope, doesn't mean you can't hunt with it. There are some situations where open sights are an advantage too.
  20. P

    Shotguns, barrels and slugs

    I killed a deer at 100 yards with a slug out of my .410. That was with the smooth bore shot barrel.