no need to stress out. Get there and enjoy it. You will soon figure out lots and whats going on in a given area within a day or 2. Talk to people if they are willing, never know someone may be deer hunting or bull hunting and tell you where some cows are. Ive shared lots of info in the field...
not even played a huge part in our hunts and ruined many hunts. Spent more time trying to get in and out of mountains, salvaging gear etc then hunting
Yes there was decline in the Lolo herd starting, but that decline would be no where near where that herd is today without wolves present. It peaked at 16,000 estimated elk 25 years ago right at the re introduction time. Lets say the herd declined due to habitat and winter some years Id be...
lots south and into MT, but unit 10 and 12 are not hit much and when people talk burns and wanna hunt burns we are talking about new burns and not 5-10+ year old burns. 5+ year old burns here and you wouldnt be walking thru it with the amount of deadfalls and new growth. trees grow fast in these...
significant fires through out out would do wonders! When the elk numbers were peaking in the 80's there was a decline beginning to happen in the lolo with the elk in early 90's and then wolves were re introduced. Bios said habitat was beginning to worsen at that time and coupled with wolves has...
There is not lots of burns in the Lolo units and its quite the opposite. Ive talked to wolf bios and other bios in the unit and a huge problem with the lolo is the vegetation has grown up so much limiting elk feed and lack of fires creating openings and more feed.The 3 bios I have talked to all...
Yup! Id never base any internet scouting on north faces. There is NO substitute for boots on the ground. Example of one of the best places I hunt elk is elk from summer to when they migrate will spend considerable time on a south face in daylight hours feeding no matter temp. These elk feed on...
In the mountains of N ID,NW MT, NE WA south facing rarely means open country it might mean a few openings. Its all relative to where you are hunting. Move down to S ID,SW MT and WY and south facing is a whole nother meaning in that country with huge open faces.
Use ours a lot in no service areas to text home and works great. Some areas with mountain shadowing can delay texts being sent and received, but always get them
been mentioned... know your limitations!! A mature bull elk boned out is going to be 250-290lbs boned out on average and will go down in weight with younger bulls. If you are doing a euro on a mature bull and skin out head and remove jaw you are looking at 35-40lbs and keeping cape adds another...
i dunno exactly where you are scouting in the spring, but many places are not accessible due to snow. Place we hunt I can not get in until early July to mid July due to snow