Eight years is a good while. Leadse to believe that we should be seeing some significant results by now. Not just with one species, but multiple other aspects as well.
In kind, I would expect that there would be some examples of other significant negative impacts in areas without restrictions...
I kind of agree with this, with the exception that a lot (if most) have really overestimated the experience. I'm hoping that a lot of these people are the "Creed more/Swarovski/hipster" crew of late and ponder the fact that they just paid $15,000 to shoot a doe or a spike. Then, maybe some of...
Prices are being inflated; maybe along with greed. But, the real shock for me is to hear/read people's perceptions of some of these tags.
There are A Lot of tags in WY than most knowledgeable residents and some non- residents wouldn't even want, if they were free.
This draw was a real point of self reflection or reality check. I'm not sure of when I got so spoiled or maybe developed a sense of entitlement. But, I'm back to earth now.
Ok. I guess this is speaking to the fact that sometimes you have to reduce harvest to improve overall quality?
I'm not sure exactly what WY has done to manage their moose herd. But, I'm sure that it's worked/working. This is based on what I see in the field year 'round.