Well since I didn't draw a new Mexico elk tag I went ahead and sent my money in for a Kansas archery tag. Hope I have better luck with the draw there. I have always drawn in the past.
In Oklahoma for a noresident to put in for special hunts u have to buy a 5 day nonresident hunting license, I think 65 dollars. The residents and nonresident have the same chance to draw, depends on how many points u have . They started with points in 95 and I have 24 points and haven't drawn...
I have always just put in for bull tags. A friend of mine is getting up in age and had 8 points. So he put in for a cow tag and Drew it the first year. On the deer tags I only put in for the very best tags.
South Dakota changed the preference point system this year . Now your points are cubed so for example if u have 3 points u cube 3 and u would have 9 chances in the draw whereas 1 cubed is still 1 . I got a email from game fish and parks the other day. U can read about this on the website. I'm...