One year I asked for the number of nonresident gratis applicants for a couple specific units and was given the information. They were all whitetail units and the main one I was interested in had more gratis apps than tags available which lead me to believe There will never be a tag available.
I don't think it's about one in the hand and two in the bush. Its about what hunt/hunts would you prefer? If you'd rather do Wyoming then give up the colorado tags
Arizona has what is called hunt guidelines. Generally they have two types of units. Opportunity and alternative management. Each category has a range they are trying to manage for which includes buck to doe ratio, hunter success and fawn ratios. High buck to doe ratio equals more tags, low...
You’ll have to define off the beaten path. Do you mean miles from a road and a backpack type hunt or just a unit away from a town? It’s hard to get away from roads in Arizona.
Limited opp hunts are ok, some are good. In the limited opp hunts I’ll find more elk in 3 days than some people will find in an entire unit over 7 days. If you know how to hunt elk, they are easy hunts. If you’re willing to spend $660 on a cow tag there are plenty of good options with 0...
You probably make way more than me thus your tax rate will probably be lower. I'm hoping to make the same in retirement, trying for more as I don't make a lot of money doing what I do, so if nothing changes my tax rate would be the same.
It is an interesting way to think about it. I just can’t wrap my head around the tax rate being lower or the same in 30 years. Which is what needs to happen to make what you laid out work.
Yeah so every 6 or 7 years the calendar falls back and you can’t make 2 years last with one license. I had not looked to see that next year doesn’t work.