I have never had an issue with Montecs. I also like that I can find them almost anywhere so if Im in a bind, I could find a replacement.
I will say that I too have destroyed one hitting a rock but I don't intend to make that a regular occurence.
Welcome! The great content should start in about 3 months. This is the valley between draw season and hunting season and it gets a little rough. Stick around though, not a bad place to be!
Wow, sorry for your loss. You should have no regrets for the way you've loved and cared for her this past year, we should all be so lucky. My condolences.
I agree it goes too far but only in the instance it requires no probable cause or reasonable suspicion. I have no issue with a GW entering a property following hearing a shot in mid November or mid April but just entering property to see what he can see, too much.
Feral Cat
But I know its high on some of your lists. Looking at you @fairchase
For the newbies, enjoy https://www.hunttalk.com/threads/feral-cat.294890/
No, the meat is used by local villages who by the way are not allowed to kill the elephants for food themselves. Im under no illusion that the hunt is not a trophy hunt and while many would bring some meat home, it is also a way for many who are more than just trophy hunters to know the meat is...