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lonelyness/lack of social interaction can start to get to you after a while.
I’ve found downloading podcasts to your phone helps. Listen to them at night in your tent. Especially later in the season when it gets dark early.
Deer numbers in CA are abysmal. Biologists , DFG like to claim habitat. Take a walk in B Zone. Everywhere you look , great habitat. A mix of burns from 2 to 12 yrs old. Heck, half the damn state has burned in the last 15 years. You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a bear. Seriously, it’s...
Basically boils down to this:
Show of hands for who has purchased any tag on leftover day over the internet. Let’s say any tag taking more than 1 point.
I’ll wait..
System will lock up every time. This was a gift to residents bottom line.
I never saw any reason to complain about the old system. Always a chance to get a tag.
Most everyone has a computer in their pocket these days. Only people at a disadvantage were people that don’t have service at work...