I also live in the unit and drive out of the unit to hunt. My first priority is getting a tag in Wyoming. They did a population survey around 2020 and only counted 400 some cows in units in the Palisades zone. A large herd is 5-6 elk in that unit you ll find you will end up chasing a single or...
Do you have a link for that outfit, I d be interested in doing something like that after blowing 7k in a bs AK transporter in a ten day no caribou hunt.
Awesome hunt report thank you for taking us along and great job sticking with it to the end. Your Muley buck is a once in a lifetime great work and now enjoy your three year supply of meat.
For hunting purposes it is most likely one whole calendar year of residency in MT. It was that way for Colorado and 6 months for Idaho. When I did my moves.
Awesome bull congrats. Moose meat is absolutely the best meat from the mountains in my opinion! Enjoy and don’t forget to really anchor that sucker once you put him on the wall!
Awesome hunt congratulations on the cool dark antlered bull. What a great story and hunt. Way to go Dad! your daughter will remember that for the rest of her life.
Awesome bull congrats on finding him, I would eat all of it. I d keep the premium steaks and use a strong marinade on them. Than anything that was kind of iffy I d make a potent chorizo or breakfast sausage. And I’d do a double grind on it as well. The only way I’d throw out meat is if when you...
Awesome hunt. Congrats on getting a cool stalk and backpack antelope hunt. And he is an antelope with character you ll remember for the rest of your life. 👊
Thank you Bearfoot for sharing your trips and setting such a great example of father and grandfather hood. Kids don’t do stuff like that unless they are incredibly loved and in a great family. Cheers to you and your son! Great moose by the way. Someday Alaska Moose will beckon me.
Keep it up this was a great thread to stumble on after a long day at work! I am hoping to draw a bull moose tag sometime in my life. However I usually get a roadkill moose once a year thanks to careless drivers. You can’t beat their meat and I always stop for moose meat.