I have an X-Bolt hells canyon LR in Manbun and it is an awesome off the shelf gun. Trigger just slightly heavy, but drives tacks with 143 GR ELDx.
Overall I love the gun and shoot it as good or better than anything else I own
That’s the point I’m getting at. With as much info as is out there, if you want to have success drawing tags like some of the people you see on here who usually end up with 1 good tag a year or more, then you should expect to put in the 150+ hours (often times much more) of work to get to that...
If you are looking at 391, I think 362 would be a better option for that size bar. 462 is a pretty good saw too just heavier and more expensive, but none of them would compare to a sweet 044 or 046 if you can find one in decent condition
The gigantic amount of time and money that myself and many others on this forum have spent compiling the knowledge required to have even a barely successful tag application season definitely leads to a unwillingness to blast out suggestions on units or states via public post.
I have answered a...
Me too. I have archive of both filled tags and memorable failed tags. I went E tag in NM on a whim this year because I’m not patient. I’m already regretting that decision
It’s just one cherry-picked example, but if you invested in a nasdaq composite etf in Jan 2000 (I know they didn’t exist yet, just for sake of argument), you wouldn’t have seen a profit until October 2016. 5 years is a significant simplification
I think it might depend on whether or not they sent you a new card to replace that one and you activated it. If you activate a replacement card for that one that expires 3/23, it will likely deactivate the old one I think
This is one of the most valuable pieces of advice a new elk hunter can take. Learn how to use the wind/terrain and get close to animals first.
Tough to sell elk calls if you don’t advocate for bugling every 5 minutes, which is why you see it on YouTube that way