I’m all for it, unfortunately Lauren will never pass a bill that She sponsors, no one will ever work with her and that is what it takes to get bills passed, and that is of her own making. I’ve seen her speak ( I live in her district) and it’s painful when she has to answer a question that isn’t...
Everyone should get an easy elk every now and again. I had to sit and wait on the fenceline for a number of days for a cow to cross the from public to private where my tag was valid.
I’m kicking around the idea of section hiking The Colorado Trail this summer. Walking it in 3-5 day chunks. My Wife walked it 25 years ago and has agreed to do the shuttling. Anybody else done any long distance backpacking?
I was part of a dry bean breeding team and ran the Foundation Seed Program for Colorado for 30 years. If you are eating pinto beans it’s likely that some of them came from CSU’s breeding program.
I have a Tikka T3 in .223 with the same scope as is on my Tikka T3 30-06. I find it great to get trigger time for cheaper with essentially the same rifle I hunt big game with. I’m thinking about getting the same setup in .243 now