Yeti GOBOX Collection

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  1. appaloosa

    Bipartisan bill to reintroduce wolverines in CO legislature.

    Cool attitude dude. Thankfully, the leaders who decided that elk, bison, sheep, whooping cranes, cutthroat trout, (insert any number of once extirpated species), should be restored to areas where they once persisted didn't share your pessimism. Conspiracy theories aside, there are currently 7...
  2. appaloosa

    HB0060 - Excess Wildlife Population Damage - Not sure on this one

    Why is it that when publicly owned wildlife utilize private land is it considered "damage", but when privately owned livestock utilize public land its considered "beneficial use"? In this case, landowners would be paid $45/AUM for forage utilized by wildlife, meanwhile, most public land...
  3. appaloosa

    Who bought this?

    Holy Keep Hammering, this is the most Utah thing to come out of Utah since .... frosted mullets?
  4. appaloosa

    Another hunting personality charged.

    Tell me you are a douche without actually telling me you are a douche... "My name is Alpine Carnivore"
  5. appaloosa

    How old was this buck?

    Ok. So, this buck was 9.5 years old. I was quite surprised that he was that old given how much antler growth he put on between years, I would have guessed him to be a few years younger. I guess this is why I have become more interested in aging my animals lately, they seem to continually...
  6. appaloosa

    Wyoming G/H Genetics/Age

    I have taken five deer over 180" in region H, I have lab ages on all but one of them. 197" - 8.5 yrs 197" - 6.5 yrs 183" - 5.5 yrs 181" - 3.5 yrs Anyway, to answer your question, yes I think a 5 YO deer can get to 185". Do all 5 YO deer get to 185"? probably not, but I would be interested...
  7. appaloosa

    How old was this buck?

    Let's play a fun game of guess the age... I just got the lab-confirmed age results back from this deer that my son harvested in 2023. Can you guess his age from live pictures? The first picture was taken in the fall of 2022 (hardhorned). The second two pictures were early September 2023...
  8. appaloosa

    Devaluing Non-Residents

    This^^ Thank you for restoring my faith in the HuntTalk membership
  9. appaloosa

    Great Social Media posts?

    "Never quit never-quitting" - Hammerin Canes
  10. appaloosa

    What is a Bucc-ees?

    I have actually met the owner of Bucc-ees, he owns a home near me. It took a while for me to figure out who he was. When I first met him he said he was in the convenient store business and never mentioned that he owned the entire chain. Interestingly, he is actually a pretty avid hunter and...
  11. appaloosa

    Wolves Have Been Released

    Good holy hell dude! You clearly have exactly zero understanding of elk numbers and distribution in NW Wyoming, the current state of the moose population or the multitude of factors affecting mule deer numbers. Maybe just stay in your lane...
  12. appaloosa

    Best upland gun dog breed?

    There is only one obvious choice... a true field bred Gordon 😁
  13. appaloosa

    Wolves Have Been Released

    Can we at least agree that wolves have been recognized as one of SIX causes of mortality in moose in the valley and never been identified as the sole cause of their decline?
  14. appaloosa

    Wolves Have Been Released

    According to the graphics in this paper moose numbers peaked in 1988 and began declining seven years before wolves were even introduced in Yellowstone, a solid decade before packs were established in the valley. But yeah, it's gotta be the woofs.