I had the exact same thing, got a powder medicine that took care of it but after about 2 years my body must have adjusted and is generally back to normal, still have to watch my diet
Question for you guys, how many of you are crimping your standard rifle cartridges for a bolt action rifle? I have only ever crimped my 44mag loads for my revolver.
I think the increase is everywhere this summer, the local boat dealership in central MN is selling 40+ boats a month, then all the side by sides to, they can't even keep stock. They predict a large amount of the people will loose them in a couple years. People got there stimulus money and went...
Built my own and for materials only on a 1800 sq ft house I had roughly 100k in materials alone, that was 3 years ago, everything has gone up since then.
I do 75% venison 25% pork sausage, ground twice through medium blades and then vertical stuffer. I have started seasoning the meat before the grind, this way the seasoning gets mixed with the meat almost 3 times before stuffing.
Cut the straps on the target, take the foam from the top half and put in on the bottom so the middle of the target is all the un-shot foam, use ratchet straps and it will work like new