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  1. B

    Griz gun?

    Think about this. You may get off a round or two during the charge. Maybe. More than likely your most effective use of that handgun will be when you are on your back on the ground with the bear right on top of you with part of you ( hopefully not your gun arm ) in his mouth. You will be shoving...
  2. B

    Gov't Shutdown Closes National Wildlife Refuges

    The thugs in the Obongo regime are playing the people for maximum political effect and apparently it's working. But it only works on those who get upset and let it.
  3. B

    We've been robbed by poachers again!

    Thrill killers. The same mentality that we had here during the methane boom. Jerks from all over the country were in WY working on methane wells. They got drunk, went out and drove back roads, and shot whatever they saw. Just left them lay. Maybe cut antlers off. Damn their souls.
  4. B

    snow fall in casper.

    I think Casper got more snow than we did but we did lose power last night for about 6 hours up here in Buffalo. Up on the mountain the snow was over 2 feet. That will be a game changer (no pun) for opening day on the 15th.
  5. B

    Hornady GMX

    Loved seeing that. The 139 GMX is my bullet in 280 and 7mag. Never recovered one from a deer or elk but they probably looked just like your woodpile recovery.
  6. B

    Anyone going to Wyoning ,34 deer ?

    A little follow up: looks like a big storm is coming through WY today and tomorrow and some serious snow fill fall. That should get the deer moving toward the lower areas. Perfect timing !! Not that I mind hunting the steep country but given my preference I'll take the sage flats.
  7. B

    Zero compared to altitude ?

    Altitude has little effect in my experience. I sight in at about 8000 feet because that's where my camp and makeshift range is. I hunt from 5000 to 9500 approx. and have never experienced altitude issues with POI. Those problems are always shooter induced. :)
  8. B

    Anyone going to Wyoning ,34 deer ?

    Go get em down there in 34 you guys. I live in 30 so will be hunting 28, 30, and 33. Been seeing lots of good bucks up on the mountain and a few down in the sage. Hoping weather will push more of them down before the 15th.

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