Caribou Gear Tarp

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  1. C

    What does this Score ?!??!

    camron hunt you have mail.... (edit) well your email don't worky... shoot me one if ya got time and I'll help ya with Green Valley. (done edit) I live in Tucson and just wanted to send ya a welcome to AZ before ya get here. Oh and ya got to let us know if these fine folks put anything else up...
  2. C

    Antelope pics while elk hunting.

    That reminds me... I was hunting elk several years back and my buddy and I were sitting in the middle of a bull forest... ya know that nasty think stuff you can only see a few yards cuz the trees are so thick. Well we took a break to eat some food an all the sudden 6 antelope trotted by like it...
  3. C

    Antelope pics while elk hunting.

    the funny thing is that in the picture of the doe looking at me right after I took the photo the two bucks stood up just to the left. The camera didn't reset fast enough for me to get a close shot at them. They stood, looked and bolted in one fell swoop like lopes are good at. Was cool to...
  4. C

    Antelope pics while elk hunting.

    On my archery cow elk hunt I had a 6X6 bull come over a hill on a mission to get. I heard a ton of hoof sounds on the back and hoped it was elk... Not... Antelope. So I broke out the camera. Enjoy. cmc
  5. C

    My 04 cow elk hunt.

    I put together some web pages on how I processed my elk for transport... I don't need to tell you guys they are graphic but this is my warning... riiiggghhttt.... cheers, cmc
  6. C

    My 04 cow elk hunt.

    a come-along, and a few serious heve-ho's.... and the log as a lever was a huge help. only took about an hour. was just about ready to cut her in half but she started to go in just after the picture. cmc
  7. C

    My 04 cow elk hunt.

    I'm not a bull hunter. Guess it's cuz I actually want to hunt rather than wait around for tags although it took me a few years to draw a cow tag so what ever that means.... In any event I after 8 days of hunting unit 7M (city of Flagstaff) I bagged my archery cow. My only problem was...
  8. C


    I spoke with him on the phone coming back from my first weekend of my cow elk hunt. He and his daughter are doing good, having fun, seeing bulls & bucks but just not connecting or seeing Mr. Right. He's got time... or at least did up till today. I think his hunt ended today at dark. :D Always...
  9. C

    I wonder how the NM hunts are going?

    I got a friend that's sitting in the UNMC hospital with crushed leg from when his mule rolled over on him. Then to add insult to injury the mule stepped on his thigh and calf to get up... needless to say his leg is in bad shape but his spirits are good. it only took an Air Force Chopper to get...
  10. C

    Ever wonder where that gut shot deer went to?

    Not sure if this was posted arleady but here's a cool one... cmc
  11. C

    WHOS your daddy now

    Delw... you dog!!! Congrats on the tags. You should do well on both. cmc
  12. C

    Now this is fuggin cool

    Busy with the baby girl, AZUHO, fix'n house to sell cuz some bastard developer is building two-story homes behind me, nursing my 1.5 year yellow lab though valley fever and really praying hard for an AZ archery elk tag. Other than that life is normal. Busy as can be. Oh yea I just got my new...
  13. C

    Now this is fuggin cool

    I have to agree that is something you just don't hear about every day... Very cool. -------------- JohnSWA, You can also check out for Arizona outdoor sites. cmc
  14. C

    HEY BC boy (Are we funny or just mean ?!?!)

    Never could stand RT, PSE, any-other eastern web forums... They keep spelling 'food plot' all wrong... It's spelt... B. A. I. T. I. N. G.!!! some day they'll get it right. cmc
  15. C

    AZ Coues.

    I got my coues deer this year. Nothing to write home about but had fun getting out hunting with my brohter again. This year. CMC 2003 Deer If you have ever hunted Coues Deer in south AZ I took some pictures of what I call coues country... I've really like seeing your guys neck of the...
  16. C

    Most difficult type of deer hunting

    I'm with Delw. Coues WT with a bow. Will humble the best of hunters. Or kill you which ever comes first. cmc
  17. C

    Chuck Adams back at it.

    Seems Chuck wasn't happy with his 2000 bull and went out and got him a bigger one... wonder if he's adopting... cmc
  18. C


    MtMiller- Just so you know I am living vicariously through you. I miss those days. Ok not really some times but every now and then. In any case, you are an outdoors god! Ever think of writing a book? Seriously. later cmc
  19. C

    First time out.

    I hunt there many times a year for creatures. Actually took my first mearns just outside the town last year. cmc
  20. C

    First time out.

    shoot me an email and your on. That area has some really nice spots for birds. Even if I can't make it I'll point ya in the right direction. later cmc

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