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  1. J

    Elk size pictures

    That bull does look bigger than a 299 bull. I'd measure it again too. Visually, any tips on how you can tell that this bull doesn't hit the 330 range?
  2. J

    Elk size pictures

    I've heard the way that the main beam is narrow at the bottom and thicker at the top is a strong indicator of an older bull - 9 years and up. Like whitetails, the antler shape starts to get a little deformed.
  3. J

    Replacing Sitka Jetstream

    In addition to Camofire, GoHunt has the old-model Jetstream jackets on sale. With my remaining points, I acquired my first premium-grade article of clothing. I'm packing a Sharpie for an autograph in case I bump into Randy during our central Wyoming hunt this fall.:geek:
  4. J

    Northwest Bighorns Meat Packer

    Good afternoon, I'm looking for a meat packer with horses/mules to haul out elk near Shell or Greybull. Does anyone have any leads or past experience with packers in this area?
  5. J

    WWYD? Point Creep Strategy?

    You can analyze a 4-6 year trend quickly and closely with GoHunt. I then go back to the WGF site for a closer look to see individual applicants' point totals. Some units in WY went up 1.5-2 points while most crept upward by 1 point. Some decreased from 2020 to 2021. This year, my 3-hunter party...
  6. J

    Phoneskope vs Universal mount

    Is this Magview going to give PhoneSkope a run for its money? If anyone has tried it out, please advise. It is more costly, but geez, it's more streamlined and less cumbersome- you don't have to change out phone cases. I hate having to take my phone out of its case to put it in the Phoneskope...
  7. J

    Mystery Ranch Metcalf

    I had the same question you did after using a big Kelty pack for 20+ years of backpacking- no hunting. I finally took the plunge and bought a used EXO pack which is heavier than my old Kelty. Hunting pack frames are just so well built and carry heavy weight against your body much better. I...
  8. J

    Wyoming Unit 47

    Just hang in there with the forums and hunting. Don't ghost the site after you get your intel and hunt. Your consistency may produce an occasional hunter willing to PM you and share some intel for the area you are hunting. As a rule of thumb, don't put specifics on a public forum, but general...
  9. J

    WY Land Hunting Etiquette

    To her point about staying away from public/private land borders when guardian dogs are present with sheep. I agree that we are entitled to be there if we choose to. Keep in mind that if you are elk or deer hunting, isn't it true that you don't want to be anywhere near domestic sheep or their...
  10. J

    WY Land Hunting Etiquette

    In case any of you are wondering, @OntarioHunter's experience with local hunters is not anecdotal. Game Wardens will voice the same frustrations with ill-mannered trespassers. Here's an excerpt from an article involving poaching on tribal lands: “Bull$#!t,” the man in the passenger seat...
  11. J

    WY Land Hunting Etiquette

    She said it was because she wants to share her land. In exchange for hunters asking to do so, she asked that we be polite.
  12. J

    WY Land Hunting Etiquette

    Passive aggresive or not, it's the rancher's land and the author wrote courteously and asked politely for us to respect legal boundaries and be kind. They want to do the same for us in support of our priveleged rights to hunt public land and navigate private boundaries. I sympathize with the...
  13. J

    WY Land Hunting Etiquette

    This is an insightful and informative article written as a letter from a landowner to hunters. I never knew about guardian dogs and the impact on them while hunting private/public land boundaries. If you happen to feel somewhat thin-skinned, it becomes easier to read if you put yourself in the...
  14. J

    Good tent for 3rd season elk CO

    Lots of good info on Buddy Heater use in tents; thank you! For those that use buddy heaters, how do you best manage condensation while using them? I appreciate how wood stoves generate dry heat and largely correct this. Yet, I'm cheap and want to use a buddy heater until my budget permits me to...
  15. J

    Gear list for 1st season backpack elk hunt

    I'm only describing my experience so it may not match yours. On my first elk hunt, we took fishing gear and caught some. However, I believe we got skunked since we should have been glassing or hiking to glass spots while we were fishing or getting ready to fish. If I'm going in the woods with...
  16. J

    Glass for elk

    While my opinion differs from Brad's, I really like his input on the 8 power binos. It makes perfect sense. I have not justified the $$ for alpha glass yet, but perhaps I should. I just purchased 10p Meopro Airs from Predator Optics. Can't wait to see the comparison this season; from what I...
  17. J

    Glass for elk

    Spotters are great for counting rings on rams. 12 or 15 power binos are better/easier on your eyes during long sessions than a spotter. These work really well for counting points on an elk. I have an 80mm spotter and 12 power binos that I used together. I find myself leaning towards using only...
  18. J

    WY NR Elk Draw Results

    You could try, but they are in Oklahoma. I considered this as an option for my way to the Bighorns this fall. I ruled it out since I pretty much have what I need.
  19. J

    CPW, New for 2022, ...

    Did anyone else notice this at the bottom of their CPW email: "New for 2022, successful applicants can surrender their drawn license for a refund of the license fee and restoration of their preference points to the pre-draw level." This should result in an increase in the number of tags...
  20. J

    I drew a Kentucky either sex archery elk 2022…. I need some help…

    Randy and Corey had an ElkTalk podcast with a representative of KY Fish and Wildlife recently; Episode 88. While it is a high-level overview of elk hunting in KY, it does have a few hidden nuggets of information that can get you started. They do talk about unit characteristics and what to look...

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