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  1. C

    Ted Turner wins bison transfer court challenge

    Thanks for the info guys.... Much appreciated and helpful for those of us that didn't track this from the beginning.
  2. C

    Ted Turner wins bison transfer court challenge

    But Ted is a commercial bison rancher so how is it he was approved? Was it because he had the suitable property to house them?
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    Ted Turner wins bison transfer court challenge

    Who's bright idea was it to turn public trust animals over to a private ranch in the first place? What setup the state for such an ordeal. I'm guessing I'm missing a lot of the history behind this but I'm baffled how the original idea of the transfer was dreamed up and put in place. From...
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    $382,000 !!!

    The buyer paid via a check thus no credit processing fees. Regarding AZ elk tags... There are a total of 3. Of that, 2 normally go to auction and one goes into the AZ Super Raffle.
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    $45G for a sheep

    Any one hear what the Az desert sheep tag went for?
  6. C


    Congrats Randy!!!!
  7. C

    No UT Tag at RMEF Convention

    I can't speak for other states but in AZ we have three Commissioners elk tags. Of which groups must submit to the G&F an application for them and how they will attempt to get the most dollar for. Normally in the end 2 get auctioned off, one at the Az Elk Society annual banquet and one at the...
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    SHOT show

    Congratulations Randy on Sportsmen of the year!!! A recap of the winners off the sportsmans channel web site...
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    Bonding time...even if we weren't hunting pigs.

    LOL.... Ya sorry about that one. Left the house with it being in the 20's but by the time we took the photos it was high 40's. :D cmc
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    Bonding time...even if we weren't hunting pigs.

    I was able to tag along with two buddies on their archery javelina hunt even if all I could was ride around in the jeep and sit in the chair next to it and glass due to I'm still recovering from knee surgery. I have to brag though as think of the three groups of pigs we spotted that day I can...
  11. C

    Season 4 DVDs - Now taking orders

    Season 4 is great. The wolf hunt was spectacular!!!
  12. C

    OYOA - Big changes coming

    Randy, Does the new business plan allow for filming more on National Forest? I know that film permits costs are a huge impact to operational expenses. With the mindset of hunting on public land most of the OYOA you're limiting to BLM or state land and I think that's because of your filming...
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    Shoot Him Again!

    Not trying to argue here but instead just wanted to share a lesson learned of my own. Once can buy his wife a "big" gun and she won't carry it and won't shoot it or buy her the gun she wants to carry and loves to shoot. I'd take the later knowing that a small caliber gun on her is far better...
  14. C

    Elk .... Let's see them!!!

    My 2011 AZ Late Season Archery Bull My 2012 AZ Early Season Archery Bull
  15. C

    Win a pair of Kenetrek boots

    I have wanted to give those boots a try on my pack in hunts. We'll see.
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    lets see some camp pictures

    Rifle Coues deer hunt in AZ.... Started with this setup for 4 days. Finished with this setup one night in which we killed our deer and headed out. One of our many bivy camps on spring bear hunts...
  17. C

    CO Bow Hunter Ed requirements

    A few buddies and I are heading to CO this year to chase deer with our bows. Well we hope once we draw some tags but we have built up some points and should be golden to draw some tags. We have a few questions on the hunter ed requirements. First are we right in thinking that you needed to...
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    DIY Deer or Elk with horses & mules

    I have a spent time in that unit... I've hunted elk, deer, turkey & bear in there. If you want rough country... you have the right unit.
  19. C

    9 Days In Wyoming...

    Congrats Eli and Tony... nice bucks. That's the first time I've ever seen Eli give a score without being 1/16th of being on the money. What's with the range? :D Now I call BS.... or you're starting to slack. Again though - nice bucks guys! cmc
  20. C

    T Bone's Idaho goat hunt

    Awesome hunt T-bone....!!!! I got to see those videos. cmc

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