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  1. LuckyMike

    You know you're spoiled when...

    Congrats to your nephew - he had a good guide!
  2. LuckyMike

    Middle of the afternoon

    About 3/4-mile. Scope on 20-power and camera (Sony RX-100) on 3.6x. No problem with heat waves. ;)
  3. LuckyMike

    Middle of the afternoon

    I was out for a while on a cold sunny afternoon near home. Temperature was -6 degrees Fahrenheit.
  4. LuckyMike

    You know you're spoiled when...

    The weather down here should have made you feel right at home! ;)
  5. LuckyMike


    Congrats on getting another dandy!
  6. LuckyMike

    I Rolled The Dice.....

    Fabulous buck! Congratulations! It's great to see a buck like that coming out of any part of Montana. It helps a guy maintain some hope of finding a trophy mule deer.
  7. LuckyMike

    Deer Down, Call me Mr. Average

    Nice buck! Now you can get back to fishing! Right! ;)
  8. LuckyMike

    High winds, and Thick Brush

    Very nice buck! Really like your write-up and the country you were hunting. Thanks for sharing.
  9. LuckyMike

    Dad's NV buck

    Great buck! Your Dad is on a roll this year with a great pronghorn and now this bruiser to boot.
  10. LuckyMike

    Nice sight after a small storm

    Right on! Rag-5pt. Several spikes in the bunch also.
  11. LuckyMike

    Nice sight after a small storm

    Went out for a short hunt, evening before last, right when a short period of storminess passed. Took this picture with my 3.6x zoom, Thought it was a nice sight to share even though the herd was on the wrong side of a strategic fence. Think you can count about 20-elk in the picture. I counted...
  12. LuckyMike

    Opening day Montana buck(s)

    Good job of finding and getting a couple of fine Montana bucks like that! I hope it becomes a trend across this great state. Congratulations to both of you!
  13. LuckyMike

    my Son's first buck

    Congrats! This is just the beginning, you'll be building memories together for life.
  14. LuckyMike

    Bad roads, mosquitos, and good wind

    Congrats on another great bull and thanks for sharing with us!
  15. LuckyMike

    2007 archery goat

    Great buck! I love the mass.
  16. LuckyMike

    Girls to WY again!

    Super! Congrats to all of you!
  17. LuckyMike

    Wyoming Antelope Hunt- 6 for 6!

    You guys did great! A great outing when all six of you were successful like that. It's rewarding for you to be able to return to the country you're so familiar with. Thanks for sharing your adventure.
  18. LuckyMike

    Staying motivated?

    I would be studying the terrain to find a spot with mostly North East exposure where there's a possibility of a bit more retained moisture. I know that might be difficult to find on the western side of the Sierras in the vicinity of the lower Kern River and Greenhorn country where it sounds like...
  19. LuckyMike

    FINALLY - Wyoming Antelope

    Great hunt and wonderful pictures. I too, especially like the antelope in the badlands.
  20. LuckyMike

    Medication buck

    Some really nice bucks and a great hunt! Thanks for posting all those pictures.

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