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  • Was wondering if you had any places to focus on in 54 for a youth hunt. We would like to at least get her on an opportunity, at this point she is not wanting to hunt again. We wont allow her to take a buck that is too young, just to harvest. She's been a trooper even when seeing unethical hunters she took it as a learning opportunity on how not to be! Thanks for any advice you can give
    I moved out of the area a few years ago so my information is a little dated. I always had better luck on the east and north east section of the unit. The ramshorn area and trapper creek areas might be worth a look. Roads are a serious problem and it is worth the effort to hike away from them.
    Thank you so much, I guess I offended the other person for asking for tips...oops! We are headed that way now for the evening hunt I think we all caught colds walking around in the snow for 2 days. I agree roads are an issue. Hope we at least see something other than a 1-2 year old we really are teaching the kids preservation of herd!
    Good luck, I hope that you guys find something and feel better. The full moon is not helping, it seems like it disrupts the normal patterns of the deer.
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