Recent content by YoungRobinHood

  1. Y

    HuntTalk's Deer of the Year thread

    Guess i'll show my little buck lol
  2. Y

    Headed Out

    Well dad just got home today and said that they killed 58, he said he would get on and post pics and storys later
  3. Y


    Flipper,you really look happy i mean thats the first time i've saw you smilin when you shot a deer lol :p ;) Well glad you finally got one with it
  4. Y


    Flipper,you really look happy i mean thats the first time i've saw you smilin when you shot a deer lol :p ;) Well glad you finally got one with it
  5. Y

    1st Bonus Permit Filled

    Flipper lets go one more and you'll catch me :D :D But then again i still got another doe tag too :p :p
  6. Y

    my utah rifle buck

    Way to go on a nice buck cameron, great story and great pics
  7. Y

    2004 Tennessee Gun

    I have 1 doe permit for this week so i'll hopefully have another to show later this week
  8. Y

    2004 Tennessee Gun

    Well went out this morning at around 6:00 got in the stand at about 6:30 and set there for about until about 9:30 and what seemed like a slow morning got interesting really fast when ever a 7-pointer came trotting in and stopped at about 50 yds. It looked like a pretty good buck so i decided...
  9. Y

    Muzzleloader Success

    Well this after noon after gettin back from scouting for my hunt next weekend me and meathead decided to go muzzleloader hunting. After adjusting the rail on my tripod i got everything ready. After only about an hour i spotted a doe crossing the road only about 50 yds in front of me. I didn't...
  10. Y

    Muzzleloader Success

    Well this after noon after gettin back from scouting for my hunt next weekend me and meathead decided to go muzzleloader hunting. After adjusting the rail on my tripod i got everything ready. After only about an hour i spotted a doe crossing the road only about 50 yds in front of me. I didn't...
  11. Y

    Another 1 down

    Well i lucked up again and got another deer this morning. We woke up at around 5:15 and deerchick was sick again and didn't get to go this morning so i went with one of my dads friends from work. We go into our stands at about 6:15 and set there in the rain all morning. Well after a morning full...
  12. Y

    Another 1 down

    Well i lucked up again and got another deer this morning. We woke up at around 5:15 and deerchick was sick again and didn't get to go this morning so i went with one of my dads friends from work. We go into our stands at about 6:15 and set there in the rain all morning. Well after a morning full...
  13. Y

    YoungRobinHood Scores

    Well heres the story. We woke up at about 5:45 and got everything ready and left at about 6:00. After about a 45 minute drive we got to the WMA that we were hunting on. After about a 10 minute hike to our stand we got up in the stand setting on the edge of a cornfield bordered by a swap...
  14. Y

    YoungRobinHood Scores

    Flipper i Kinda Left the hat in the truck because i couldn't find the orange hunt talk hat and all i had was the camo one
  15. Y

    Opening morning

    Meathead and his buddy mikey were drawed on a wma hunt so that leaves me until they get back so maybe i'll get lucky sometimet this weekend too
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