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Recent content by Westelker

  1. Westelker

    270 130gr Nosler Partition and 308 Speer 165gr Hot Cor

    I agree! I have used both and they will do the job easily. Keep it under 300 yds. and good shoot placement. Good luck!
  2. Westelker

    Relocation For High Three Retirement

    I commend you for wanting to relocate to Alaska. I flew nearly everyday while serving at Elmendorf AFB. During the long days, when the weather is clear and the air is warm is great. But, the mosquitoes are big, some "natives" can be a real pain in the ass, the rain and low clouds can linger...
  3. Westelker

    First DIY Elk Dry Crk Wy

    And you never step on or trip on rocks or get tangled up on tree branches.
  4. Westelker

    First DIY Elk Dry Crk Wy

    If it's as steep as it looks and if the trees/brush are as thick as they look, carrying all your gear up that ridge will be almost impossible. Once you cross the Dry Creek willows and start the initial climb, make your decision to go to Plan B before you're too exhausted. Better yet just go to...
  5. Westelker

    Looking for suggestions on a new caliber

    .270 almost any bullet will get you a deer, antelope or bull elk. Shot placement at a reasonable range will do the job...keep it simple, .270 bullets are available almost anywhere. No recoil, rifle is light and not noisy. Couple a good .270 with a decent scope and you'll be happy for years...
  6. Westelker

    Third rifle season Co

    J & J is a good small operation with a very good reputation. Plan on hunting on private property. As Hank say... snow and more snow, but that's good for your hunt. Good luck. Following!
  7. Westelker

    Third rifle season Co

  8. Westelker

    Third rifle season Co

    We always forget to pack something, or we didn't pack enough of something or we pack too much of something and never use it!!
  9. Westelker

    Wolves Continue to Surge Further South in Colorado

    It's all covered under the CPW Wolf Restoration and Management Plan. Found under Colorado Parks and Wildlife web pages.
  10. Westelker

    Wolves Continue to Surge Further South in Colorado

    You're correct on the vote for the original release, but what I read yesterday was for the CPW for the 15 from Canada. I totally agree with you about the vote a couple years ago. The vote from the front range!!! Thanks for the correction.
  11. Westelker

    Wolves Continue to Surge Further South in Colorado

    Introduce more wolves in to CO. They'll catch the Canadian wolves and release them, probably in the Western slope.
  12. Westelker

    Wolves Continue to Surge Further South in Colorado

    Just read that the wolf movement has continued. GPS tracking by CPW has revealed that at least two wolves made their way as far south as Buena Vista. Covers both sides of the Arkansas River, units 48 and 49. It will be most interesting to see what happens when the wolves discover all those...
  13. Westelker

    Hunting elk with my 90-year-old dad

    Hi Ben...You have an aspiring story for all of us to follow. Your dad is fortunate to have a son like you to take him out and to spend time hunting. You're lucky to still have him to share the hunts. Best of luck to both of you! Following!
  14. Westelker

    Archery Elk Hunt GMU 521 in Colorado

    Thanks for your comments. I've got a couple good areas, but some personal issues came up Friday that I'm dealing with. I'll try and did my maps out tomorrow and email you. How far from the camp/road are you prepared to go?

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