Recent content by wannakillabigbull

  1. wannakillabigbull

    Deer - lets see em

    I've spent plenty of years hunting better seasons or units that I've hunted before, but sometimes you just need a little luck. Best buck I've shot in 18 years :oops:
  2. wannakillabigbull

    Deer - lets see em

    Second season Colorado buck. Picked up a reissue tag in a unit I'd never deer hunted before and got lucky on day 7.
  3. wannakillabigbull

    2024 Colorado Draw Results Thread

    My points have also been updated for elk. Nothing in my home state, but as expected.
  4. wannakillabigbull

    2024 Colorado Draw Results Thread

    Moose point for me, per the $50 credit card hit.
  5. wannakillabigbull

    WY draw results elk 2024

    Drew an LE tag with 8 points. Time to get working.
  6. wannakillabigbull

    Howa/LSI 2024 Catalog Available
  7. wannakillabigbull

    Idaho 2024- start %itching now

    I was fortunate to get 2072. Last year also got in the 2000s, so statistically that's pretty lucky. Not that it matters, though. All the good or decent elk tags will be sold out long before I ever make it through the queuing line.
  8. wannakillabigbull

    Elk .... Let's see them!!!

    Wyoming leftover bull. Finally got some snow to push them out of the wilderness.
  9. wannakillabigbull

    Pictures of Horses Packing Out Antlers - Got Any?

    A few favorites from my 2019 CO bull. Backpacked in, shot my bull, and my packer showed up the next morning.
  10. wannakillabigbull

    23 wyoming results

    I picked up my first wyoming elk tag in the leftover. Figured I'd give it a try. Pray for snow, I guess.
  11. wannakillabigbull

    2023 Idaho Draw Results

    No elk tag for me. Still never been to Idaho for an elk hunt. Soon, hopefully.
  12. wannakillabigbull

    Should we start the Wyoming disappointment thread now?

    Drew a pronghorn tag with 7 points. First tag drawn this year.
  13. wannakillabigbull

    WTB Kifaru Duplex Frame Foliage

    Looking for a Kifaru Duplex Frame in foliage.
  14. wannakillabigbull

    2023 New Mexico Draw Results

    Didn't draw anything.
  15. wannakillabigbull

    2023 New Mexico Draw Results

    Time to go watch @SCliving Outdoors videos and dream while I wait ⌚