In late '90s I had my Smith put a Lothar Walther barrel chambered for the 9.3x62 on a Winchester Classic PF. Made a great hunting rifle. I carried it on a couple of unsuccessful elk hunts then gave it to my Youth Minister. He shot a Spike elk with my handloaded 286 NPT like a Big Hammer! ha In...
I like the 375 H&H and "my favorite", the 375 Weatherby Mag! I have owned (one at a time of course) six , mostly Mod 700 BDL SS but two Whitworth Express 375s (had one Mod 700 reamed out to the Wby.) Those rifles were used by me and two friends on cow elk , a Warthog through the hips while...
At the time, that 30-30 was seen as a "Gee Wiz" killer! I grew up n Tx with a 30-30, my Father called it "The Big Gun". I had better shoot those deer/hogs with some sort of "meat saving" shot too! He was a WW2 Vet, fought in MacArthur's bunch. He didn't even consider a 30-06 for Hunting. Said...
Here, Cow Elk; South Africa, Zebra and Blue Wildebeast; Namibia, the big Gemsbuck; Texas, Deer, hogs, Exotics! Will throw in Coyotes...anytime anywhere! :)
That 35 Whelan I had with the 250X and 200X was just a cutter, would chop a big hole all the way through, two big holes. But Life is too short, been there, done that, no more 35s for me, but they will always be in my Rifleman's heart!
You just gotta love a 338 Win Mag! Its like a 30-06 of Medium Bores...everything "compares to it". With light Monos it can keep up with the Win Mags for flat/powerful and the 375 H&H with the 225-250 Powerhouses!
I shot my first batch of "Big Animals" in 1996. I shot a handful of deer sized, but shot 1 or each: Kudu, Red Hartebeast, South African Oryxz ( not super big) Blue Wildebeast and a big Zebra stallion. Used a 35 Whelen Ackley Improved/250X going 2600fps. It was like a hot knife in butter! Only...
You might talk with a hunting Consultant and find a good area and an Outfitter who has a Drop Camp. You could get set up pretty deep in the hills and Hike out from there. Plus get help with the meat when they come to pick you up.
Congrats on a fine rifle! I have had many calibers/rifles, but got to figuring awhile back. It seems while I have only shot one jackrabbit and made a finishing shot on my God Son's Spanish Goat, I have owned 15 270s! This last is a Mod 84L Classic that shoots everything I put in it. I shoot the...
Merry Christmas guys! I picked up my Mod 700 Classic 30-06 from the dealer yesterday! I plan on trying some 155 Scenars and 150gr TTSX first. I have some 168 TMKs and 168 TTSX also.
Hey Don- sometimes on Gunbroker you can find partial boxes of monos, or pulled (perfectly fine) monos from...
Yes sir Don, agree. Hornady IL have always been "tougher" than Speers and most Sierras. I like the Hornadys for practice loads to ass they mimic every Partition or Barnes I ever loaded. Amazing to me. I never had luck getting the Interbonds to shoot well in the only two calibers I tried them in...