Recent content by pawhitetail

  1. P

    6.5 CM as a hunting cartridge... why?

    We got my son a 6.5cm for christmas the other year. Ammo availability is way better for it than the 260 or 7mm08 around here. I also reload too so it's a wash for me there but the gun was cheap enough I'd have bought it if it was a 7mm08 too which i do like better and my wife shoots one. He's...
  2. P

    Question about savage axis

    Absolutely you can and I have done the exact same thing except went from 308 to 260. I got a small shank savage prefit bull barrel and Swapped barrels, setting headspace with gauges. Trimmed 1 full coil off of the trigger spring and then cleaned the trigger and lubed it up well. Used a boyds...
  3. P

    Leupold vx-1 and a simmons

    TTT. Will entertain offers
  4. P

    Leupold vx-1 and a simmons

    I have a leupold vx-1 3-9×40 for sale. It has the matte finish and duplex reticle and is in good shape. Asking $225 TYD I also have a simmons prohunter 6-18×40 AO with matte finish and duplex reticle in good shape. Asking $140 TYD
  5. P

    Brake recommendation

    I haven't even got a scope on it yet. Being it was factory threaded I was just going to put one on but I didn't want some big gawdy thing on the end of the barrel so I may just shoot it plain barreled
  6. P

    Brake recommendation

    I'm getting a howa 1500 in 300prc with a threaded barrel. I'd like to put a brake on it and I'm looking for recommendations. I don't think I want a radial brake for possible prone shots on a hunting gun. It also has a standard sporter barrel and I would like something not overly huge in size...
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    Price drop $120 tyd
  8. P


    I have a willis collet die along with some imperial sizing wax. It's in good shape. $150 tyd
  9. P

    Finally getting one. I blame my coworker!

    That's a pretty fair price
  10. P

    Need recommendations for low budget binos

    He is a good kid but he's also already pretty spoiled in other things. He's gotta learn that sometimes you can't have everything you want and that some things just take time. He does help work on his car and maintain it.
  11. P

    Need recommendations for low budget binos

    As the title states I am looking for recommendations for a low budget binocular for my 11 year old son. He's saved up some money and wants to upgrade from the cheapies I gave him to use. I have a set of vortex vipers and he really likes them but he doesn't have enough saved up for them. We...
  12. P

    Young Bird Dog (hopefully)

    If you're going to use an e collar down the road buy one now. Anytime you're going to do bird work put the collar on. Leave the transmitter at home until the pup is older and ready to start getting serious but you want the pup to know when you grab that collar he's going to do fun bird stuff...
  13. P

    Broken drill bit removal in rifle stock

    I was going to reply with something similar. Wet some paper towels and put around the bit before you weld it. Nuts are usually kind of thick and usually coated and it takes a bit of heat to get a decent weld. I'd take a piece of flat stock about 1/8" thick and drill an 1/8" hole in it and weld...