Recent content by lilbiggun

  1. L

    Sharing a rifle

    I'd consider sharing a rifle. In 16 years up here I only had 1 rifle break and it was just a secondary, I wanted to shoot at the cabin. A 100 lb pack is common. Buddy shot a goat one time. He took his bag off his frame and strapped the goat to it. I strapped his bag to my pack ( with the camp...
  2. L

    East coast storm

    Looks like another front is coming through for some of you. Hope it doesn't materialize into anything. Thinking about everybody effected.
  3. L

    .40 cal pistol and brown bear

    I carry a .40 a lot up here. It's my daily carry gun,, and if Im doing non-hunting things, I carry it. I know of a guy who dropped a sow brownie with his 9mm. It took 2 mags to kill it but it killed it ( I really don't recommend a 9mm for bigbears). I wouldn't even recommend a .40, but the...
  4. L

    Wild Fire Pics

    Thanks for the pics. Stay safe out there. You guys seem to be busy this year.
  5. L

    Health Care??????

    Yup, those rates were when it was a penalty, now it's a tax that wasnt specified. With what this is gonna cost, I trust lawyers more that what the initial "fine/penalty" is going to be. People are gonna opted out ie: not pay. guess who has to pay for it. The average working stiff is gonna pay...
  6. L

    Health Care??????

    Looking at nemonts graph, it tells me A large part of the democratic voting base will get insurance for free and the rest of us will have to pay for it. Since its now classified as a tax, and congress did not specify how much ( remember it wasn't a tax when pelosi, Reid and the messiah was...
  7. L

    Do it all Rifle?

    I'd be very content hunting everything in AK with my older interarms mark X in 30-06. I wouldn't even think twice about a griz or even a brownie with the '06. That being said I have bigger calibers but they seem to be range queens if shot at all. I grab the 30-06 for all my hunting. As we...
  8. L

    Losing a parent and dealing with it.....

    Sorry Andy. I cant imagine losing a parent. We came close last June when both of my folks were run over by a semi. Worse feeling in the world. Docs told us to start making arrangements. it was a long 10 hour trip back home wondering if I was gonna make it or not.
  9. L

    Gas price breaking point

    I just picked up a commuter car cuz of prices. Right now its not bad at $4.25 but just wait until the first RV comes across the border:mad: My truck gets about 14mpg, my new hoopty gets about 30mpg. I know I can fit a bear in the trunk. A moose would be a tight fit but I have a back seat...
  10. L

    Hiking/hunting boots??

    I use lowa hunters and I love them. Kinda pricy but my feet are important to me and worth every dime.
  11. L

    1 man lightweight tent

    Thanks guys. I went with the fly creek.
  12. L

    1 man lightweight tent

    Thanks man, heard good things about big angus but never owned one. Usually I take along a poncho and make a shelter but at 40 I want something I can stretch out in and be somewhat comfortable, especially if I get caught in a late spring snowstorm or fall rain deluge/snowstorm. Plus an actual...
  13. L

    1 man lightweight tent

    I know they suck and to small but I'm looking for a 1 man lightweight tent. primary use is for emergency shelter and being up here, looking for atleast a 3 season tent/bivy or if I get a wild hair and decide to spend the night. I have a 3 season northface 2 man thats great for if I'm planning...
  14. L

    NASCAR- Why I watch

    Danica sucks.... Maybe literally. If she wasn't a cute face with a big owner, she would still be IRL. I like the wrecks also but NASCAR is gonna kill another driver, just so the fans are happy. The arca race was boring but I enjoyed it more than the shoot out. That being said I hope someone...
  15. L

    Whats your day Job?

    I run a ground support shop for a major airline here in AK. At night and weekends I take care of my kid. Wife's disabled so she has relax time. Not much time for hunting anymore but it all works out.

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