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Recent content by hunthayden

  1. H

    Fire up the saws!

    It will be difficult to do too much logging until the capacity to process the lumber is greatly increased. Many large mills is the west have shut down and are gone, ie Cacacade, ID Flagstaff, AZ. It will take some time to establish new mills, then they will need workers. The distance some logs...
  2. H

    Not realy a hunting question

    You will have to fish in the sloughs off the main river. In most places along the Yukon have too much slit in the water to fish unless you have a gillnet.
  3. H

    SE Alaska Fishing

    Take the ferry best family trip we ever took. Can not wait to do it again. Great views, you can bring your own food and drink. You stop in other ports get to walk around real quick. I suggest the ferry for going up and flying back so you can transport your fish. Take the ferry you will not be...
  4. H

    Another CO unit 76 question

    Hunted it last two years,two different hunts. One had lots of bulging ect. The next one the elk were heading out of the wilderness moving towards lower ground due to snow. Study your maps, there are areas in the wilderness that are not a long hike in. Know what areas have outfitters established...
  5. H

    Possession Limit Alaska

    Going to Alaska soon, looking for some help on the definition of possession limit. From Statewide Regs possession limit means the maximum number of unpreserved fish a person may have in possession. preserved fish means fish prepared in such a manner, and in an existing state of...
  6. H

    CPW seeks public feedback on big game hunting license distribution

    The landowner tag allocation needs be changed. Currently unit 201 early rifle elk tags are allocated at 18% to LO. The unit is only about 3.5% private land. The same goes for alot of limited draw elk units where LO are getting a unfair share of tags in comparison to the private/public land.
  7. H

    CO leftover list is available

    Still trying to work out the correct process. If anyone that has been successful could help out. Did you wait until 11:00 then hit proceed after you enter your resident status? Or where you already past there and had your hunt codes enter and sent them in at 11:00?? Thank you, hopefully gets...
  8. H

    Colorado unit 4

    Here are plenty of bears around but the sheepherders keep them alittle shy. 1st season normal has the highest success rate.
  9. H

    Late Season Colorado Cow Hunt

    Try and pick one of the seasons that goes all Dec. Wait for few inches of snow. Great time to be out, lots to see.
  10. H

    Planing 2021 elk hunt in Colorado, with 19 PP focused on Unit 76 early rifle.

    Best part of that tag is the time spent scouting.
  11. H

    Booking an Alaskan halibut fishing trip

    Did Seward last year with Northern Alaska Outfitters. Had a deal were you share a rod for cheaper rate, but you still get your limits. Made it affordable for family of four to fill some fish boxes and watch each other catch fish. Good time kids still talk about it.
  12. H

    Colorado Land Owner Tag

    PM sent
  13. H

    Springer HMA

    It is a fun time plenty of birds and good cover. Should have no problem walking on during the week. There are some rattlesnakes around so keep an eye on your dog.
  14. H

    Suggestion for future episodes....

    How about a hunt in one of National Monuments in Utah either Grand Staircase or Bears Ears. Was just in Grand Staircase and surprised at all the turkey sign. This could help educate folks on the multiple use allow on monuments.
  15. H

    BLM land swap proposal in NW CO?

    Not the first time this happened it that part of CO. In 2009 BLM traded 15416 BLM acres, sold to private, and bought 4139 acres of land from the State. Some of parcels were small and land locked, others had decent access and good recreational opportunities...
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