Man, without knowledge of your full financial picture, I would take the extra time off. Life's too short to miss out on opportunities to do what you love to do. 12-15K isn't a ton of money in the grand scheme of things. And as Big Fin always says, you will run out of health before you ever...
One question. If you strap the kayak to the crossbar when it's in the down/loading position and then tip it up, doesn't the strap interfere with the nesting of the two channel pieces at the travel position? Or are the anchor points added to the channel that you strap to?
My kids took my to the local trampoline park for my 40th birthday a few years ago. Seemed natural to them almost every birthday party they went to was held there. lol
I can relate to feeling it the next day, but at 46 the kids still can't keep up with me! Not sure how much longer that will...
Genetic tests can be done very early on pups. Even pre-weening, if you take precautions to not nurse the pup for a period of time prior to the testing. The genetic testing is a DNA test. Things like hips and elbows are more developmental, and require the puppy to reach maturity (2yo)...
I've had two litters of golden retriever puppies, and can tell you I do not get asked about health clearances very often. I do have a website with pertinent info listed, but the average puppy buyer is not well versed on the available genetic tests for the respective breeds.
That's a tough one, I'm no expert on the subject. The only suggestion I can offer is to not try to solve his issue, but to actively listen to his concerns with empathy. Let him know that you understand what he's going through is tough. Just the simple act of hearing him and validating his...
I've thought about that complaint a bit in the past. The reality is that when guys go to set up these profiles and upload pictures, they scroll through their phones and the ONLY pictures they have of themselves just happen to be fish pics or dead animal pics. When else does a guy pose for a...
Just seeing this Treeshark. At this time all puppies are spoken for. I'll let you know if anything changes. Once I re-advertised them, I got a pretty good response and they went fairly quick.