PEAX Equipment

Recent content by feclnogn

  1. F

    My oh my. How shiny this place is

    New owner?? Moosie isn't in charge anymore?? Holy wow! Danr, the gerbil cannon is now registered as a destructive device with the ATF. Still kills stuff out to 2000 yards. The defense department is looking to purchase it and if that goes through I'm set for life. So is Jose still around...
  2. F

    My oh my. How shiny this place is

    Nope. Guns and cough medicine are bad news. I save the cough medicine for the nights I am hanging out with strippers.
  3. F

    My oh my. How shiny this place is

    Actually I have a S&W MP compact sitting snugly in a mtac right here as I type. Shhhhhh. Don't tell anyone.
  4. F

    My oh my. How shiny this place is

    Just got out of prison (again) and thought I should stop in and see if ole Hunt Talk was still around. Damned if it isn't. So are the ole gang of misfits still around?? Jose? Ithaca?? Moosie?? Delw?? So what have you ****ers been up to??
  5. F

    Wello hai to you folks.

    To many to talk about. :D
  6. F

    Nerd Alert: Cyber Nations

    There is a game called cyber nations, its an online game and it's free and takes about 5 minutes a day to play. The main gameplay is within alliances which have communities such as Hunt Talk. Within the game you go to war with emo wrist cutters, socialists, commies and random folks. It sounds...
  7. F

    Wello hai to you folks.

    Well my problem that landed me in prison was pretty simple and blown way out of proportion. I took my new rubber girlfriend camping. Usually I inflate them with helium as it makes them easier to take around. The place that usually sells the helium shutdown, however I found a shop that had...
  8. F

    Wello hai to you folks.

    Whats up folks, been a bit since I stopped in here. Had a little problem with an exploding rubber girlfriend and some prison time. How is life in the Hunt Talk circles doing?? Every one playing nice in SI??
  9. F

    Photos from my deer hunt

    Will get some more up this weekend, I have had a virus on my computer that took two days to kill and now I have a virus in me and am just plain tired. Stay tuned for the story of my great adventure and the HUGE deer that was only 325 yards away...........
  10. F

    Photos from my deer hunt

    Here are some more pics of the hunt for ya guys, I was coming out of a gate by a windmill that I usually park at and saw some deer standing up on a ridgeline so I started looking with the binos at them (they were smaller 4 points) and when I but the binos down I had this doe, a yearling and...
  11. F

    Photos from my deer hunt

    Got back in last night from my hunt. My dad had an extra tag that he could not sale (hes an outfitter here in New Mexico) so he let me have it. The ranch we were hunting in 30 miles west of Roswell and has just an amazing amount of deer on it. Here are a few photos, I will add more when I...
  12. F

    Returning for an old friend...Pics.

    Very nice buck. Congrats on your persistence.
  13. F

    Returning for an old friend...Pics.

    Very nice buck. Congrats on your persistence.
  14. F

    1st day Duck hunting.....

    What the hell, you are wearing f'ing sandals to go duck hunting?? Did Jose turn you on to that fashion trend? All you need now is a pony tail and some trail mix. :O) Oh by the way thats a nice bunch of Canvasback you have there, nice shooting.
  15. F

    Going deer Hunting

    Well I am packing my stuff and getting ready to head out to the rock on the other side of the hill to do some deer hunting. The ranch I will be hunting has deer running around like sheep in a pasture. The last time I was down there my father and I saw about 250 deer a day with about half of...

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