Recent content by ELKCHASER

  1. E

    Deer In WYOMING..Getting ready for the draw

    Plan to put in for deer in WY this year and have narrowed it down to 4 units. Wondering if anyone out there has any general information or experiences they are willing to share about units 87, 90, 102, or 119? Would appreciate any help in selecting the best general area for big muley bucks...
  2. E a bull with the bow

    After several years of trying, I finally got a bull with my bow. It was a great hunt in Unit 61 in Idaho, about and hour from home. I was working up a raghorn with calls and scrapes, when this guy came down the ridge and ran off the raghorn. It took 20 minutes of calling, scraping and jumping...
  3. E a bull with the bow

    After several years of trying, I finally got a bull with my bow. It was a great hunt in Unit 61 in Idaho, about and hour from home. I was working up a raghorn with calls and scrapes, when this guy came down the ridge and ran off the raghorn. It took 20 minutes of calling, scraping and jumping...
  4. E

    I'm Back!! Muley Cam 2005

    Howdy Used to post on this site a bit a few years ago, then life got busy. New job is pretty easy going, so hope to read and post more. Here are a couple of my Mule Deer cam pics this year, Fremont County IDAHO Looking forward to chatting with you all some more
  5. E

    National Elk Refuge - You gotta love it

    Little small (funny, I have never heard that before!) Looks like I better go back to class ELKCHASER
  6. E

    National Elk Refuge - You gotta love it

    Thanks for the help ELK HUNTER! I think I finally passed the tutorial, so here goes my attempt at putting up some pictures. This is the buck that showed up on the back porch of the ELK REFUGE INN, 160ish? and here are a few of the big bulls out on the refuge. Usually there are 10 to 15...
  7. E

    National Elk Refuge - You gotta love it

    I got a few pictures back and scanned today, but can't figure out how to post them. Anybody know the secret? ELKCHASER (for the last 2 years, I just chase, and help carry others elk out)
  8. E

    National Elk Refuge - You gotta love it

    Camera is not digital, but I will try to get some pics posted next week. Definitely don't forget the spotting scope! Headed your way this weekend, blacktail boy, gotta visit the folks in Shelton. The other ELKCHASER
  9. E

    National Elk Refuge - You gotta love it

    Here I sit on the deck off my room at the ELK REFUGE INN in Jackson, WY. A few hundred yards out front are thousands of elk. With the spotting scope I was able to pick out several huge 8x7 bulls and many in the 380 class. On the drive over we stopped in Alpine and looked at thier refuge where...
  10. E

    This is as good as it gets this year!

    Great Deer! and story. Way to go ELK CHASER
  11. E

    This is as good as it gets this year!

    Great Deer! and story. Way to go ELK CHASER
  12. E

    Too Close!! $%&#@!!!

    Ever get stuck in the deep thick stuff with a scoped rifle? Saturday, My wife, daughter and I were out looking for mulies. After a no deer hike in the morning, we drove a few miles away and started pushing aspen and timber pockets around some old clearcut areas. My daughter and I headed in an...
  13. E

    bulls bulls bulls story complete!!

    Awesome! My raghorns never look that good. ELK CHASER :eek:
  14. E

    bulls bulls bulls story complete!!

    Awesome! My raghorns never look that good. ELK CHASER :eek:
  15. E

    What will he Score?? (Pics)

    Anything with a bow is a trophy to me. Great elk! Thanks for sharing your pic and story ELK CHASER :D

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