Recent content by Dreamhunter#1

  1. D

    Elk .... Let's see them!!!

    Man that smile so big congratulations
  2. D

    Loyalty Kentucky elk draw 2023

    Yes I had got a email from the fish and wildlife said I had applied for 23 years I seen it on my profile I know it’s not going to be easy for sure. I was going to try for regulated area just not for sure which one I have been do some research on it I use to put in for all the tags but the last...
  3. D

    Loyalty Kentucky elk draw 2023

    Yell I can’t afford a outfitter guide I live here just outside of the elk units I will just try to find a herd if I get a tag
  4. D

    Loyalty Kentucky elk draw 2023

    I am working on trying to get permission on private property yeah you could be right about the left over tags I have to give it a shot thanks
  5. D

    Kentucky guy

    Thanks what a beautiful state you live in
  6. D

    Kentucky guy

    Thanks eastern ky
  7. D

    Kentucky guy

    Thanks neighbor that would be awesome good luck to you can’t wait to see pictures.
  8. D

    Meat Care on Extended or Multi-State Hunting Trips

    Ok makes sense I thought about deboning it if I get one and pack it out that way
  9. D

    Loyalty Kentucky elk draw 2023

    Thanks I am keeping my fingers crossed hard to believe they was that many unsold tags by the deadline.
  10. D

    Loyalty Kentucky elk draw 2023

    Yes the regular draw is over but there having a loyalty draw for the tags that are not bought last year there was a 100 tags not purchased for the ones who have put in ever year has a chance at the left over tags that isn’t purchased.
  11. D

    Kentucky guy

  12. D

    Kentucky guy

  13. D

    Kentucky guy

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