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Recent content by dcopas78

  1. dcopas78

    camp pics

    We really went primitive on our recent Coues trip to Arizona 😂 If anyone needs an Airbnb recommendation for the Sonoita area, I'd be happy to share. Great host and reasonable price!
  2. dcopas78

    Question about Coues deer...UPDATE

    Well we never did get another chance of getting dad a buck. Some of the forks and spikes that we passed on the first day would have looked pretty good on the last! We had a great time nonetheless. We left the hunting area a day early to go to the Grand Canyon and we were sure glad we did. No...
  3. dcopas78

    Question about Coues deer...UPDATE

    Still trying to get one for dad but I tagged out the 2nd morning on this buck at 275 yards. I wasn't picky for my first one, just wanted a legal buck. We decided to bring my son along for the trip. He's getting a different sort of education this week! We've been seeing a lot of deer with...
  4. dcopas78

    My son's first buck and doe

    Last weekend was Ohio's youth gun season and my son capitalized with his first doe and buck. He got the doe Saturday morning and the buck Saturday evening. It was a great day! He, my dad and I leave Wednesday for a rifle coues deer hunt in Arizona.
  5. dcopas78

    Question about Coues deer...UPDATE

    My dad and I drew our rifle tags for the December 1-10 hunt in a unit we hunted archery a few years ago. We saw lots of bucks with some rut activity while we were there. My question is; is it likely that the deer will still be in the general area? I know rut activity is unlikely but I am not...
  6. dcopas78

    AZ Cards Getting Hit

    Dad and I only put in for a early December rifle hunt in 35A. I split my points with him since he didn't have any so we only had an average of 2. He isn't getting any younger at 78. Granted he is a healthy and active 78 but I'd love to see him get a Coues deer My card got hit so looks like...
  7. dcopas78

    First bird for my son

    My son got his first gobbler this past weekend during the Ohio youth season. 23 pounds, 10.5 beard, 1 1/8 spurs. It was a quick but certainly a exciting hunt and a memory neither of us will soon forget!
  8. dcopas78

    My nephew Ashton's buck...

    Dad finished up his mount this weekend. He's one happy hunter!
  9. dcopas78

    My nephew Ashton's buck...

    In Ohio he can hunt under an apprentice license with my brothers (or licensed adult) supervision without taking the hunters ed course outright. I like that Ohio did this myself. It was meant to increase youth participation. So sorry for the loss of your son
  10. dcopas78

    My nephew Ashton's buck...

    Pike County
  11. dcopas78

    My nephew Ashton's buck...

    https://freerangeamerican.us/massive-17-point-ohio-buck/ Here is a story on Ashie's deer
  12. dcopas78

    My nephew Ashton's buck...

    Yeah dad will probably wait til after drying period for official score since the magazine will want that for their story. I'll be sure to follow up. Tim, my brother, has been contacted by so many groups wanting to talk to him and Ashie about the deer and the story leading up to it. It's...
  13. dcopas78

    My nephew Ashton's buck...

    Today has been crazy! My brother has been on the phone nearly all day with many different publications including North American Whitetail who want to do an article on Ashton and his buck and his passion for hunting. The Ohio DNR is going to do a story about the hunt, and there is a strong...
  14. dcopas78

    My nephew Ashton's buck...

    Yes,my brother was the most excited I have ever saw him and I've been with my brother when he harvested some great deer for himself.
  15. dcopas78

    My nephew Ashton's buck...

    Yeah my dad is a taxidermist so he's got it covered but thank you for the very generous offer!

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