Recent content by David658

  1. David658

    Statistics for differentiating between groups?

    I'm not much of a stats guy, just a plain old engineer. Seems to me that going very far at all in a conversation of statistics ends up being only an exercise, since putting me behind the rifle and pulling the trigger will remove a significant amount of precision from the whole process. David NM
  2. David658


    So are you on Starlink now, or do you have to go eat pie to get internet? Up here we had wind, mountains got more snow. Grass in the dog yard is greening up, I now will begin work to make the brown spots have grass again. Seeing lots of deer at the lab, occasional elk. Have not been in the...
  3. David658

    What if NM did it like this?

    And between you and me, in NM, I ain't about to enter property that's supposedly open but posted, just to get an elk. David NM
  4. David658

    What if NM did it like this?

    "Force"? Many of those properties remain closed and posted. There is so little enforcement as to be none. David NM
  5. David658

    What if NM did it like this?

    Shoulder has been behind the pistol caliber lever guns, and my 38-55. Next weekend hope to take the 38-55 and my .50 and .54 Hawkens out - got one of those shock eater pads and the tee shirt with the sleeve. Per my bro, they are the real deal. In total, am past PT and now it's just range of...
  6. David658

    Should of just sat down......

    Glad ya got out. I avoid swamps for numerous reasons. Just sitting down is usually the best approach. My one time of being a mite bit confused overnight just amounted to me pitching my tarp with my backpack as centerpole, and sleeping it off. My buddy got there just in time for a hot...
  7. David658

    What if NM did it like this?

    My scenario would be to designate LO tags as R or NR, and only a total of 10% could go NR. Or 15%, or whatever, but something quite a way south of the percentage that go out of state now. And you don't have a chance on the Caldera, cuz I'm drawing that tag. I mean, somebody has to! David NM
  8. David658

    What if NM did it like this?

    OK, kind of a reboot here. This may be off the wall, but it has been suggested that NM residents can buy Land Owner tags just like NRs can. Ok... What if LO elk tags were allocated on a R/NR basis? A maximum percentage of those tags being able to go to NRs - say, 10 or 15 percent, the...
  9. David658

    2024 Take Back Your Elk Report

    No implication at all that the greasy money goes to ranchers in what I said. But as long as the money is flowing at and around the top, there will never be reform in NM - not just in Game and Fish, but anywhere. David NM
  10. David658

    Reintroduced CO Wolves

    Yep, under the radar. Just like the reintroduction.
  11. David658

    External Frame Packs

    Does anyone here use external frame packs? A few years ago, I found a CampTrails on Ebay that has a nice suspension system, a significant upgrade from my CampTrails from my high school days in 1974 (which hauled out my most recent elk). I have always liked the multitude of pockets and...
  12. David658

    Football General Talk

    With the rules changes, starting with blocking in the mid 70s, football ain't football much anymore. Old Curmudgeon NM
  13. David658

    Sun and Bug shirt

    I simply take the shirt I like best, and soak it in Permethrin. Will last six or more washes, I find it cheaper than buying a bug proof shirt. Soaking your hat in permethrin (by soaking I mean spraying it to the point of being very wet) is very important, maybe more so, than the shirt IMHO...
  14. David658

    2024 Southwest Oryx trip (NM)

    Congrats on a good hunt! David NM
  15. David658

    Airport drinking

    That observation was made when the water was turned into wine...

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