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  • Hi I saw you drew the 117-2 tag a couple years ago. I’m thinking about trying to draw that tag. Anything you could tell me would be huge. I’d gladly talk about any montana wyoming idaho or colorado units I’ve hunted
    I ended up missing a 5pt due to range error and stupidity. Shot right under him. Should have waited as I would have got a better shot. Then called in a 6x5 but didn't get a shot, then shot another 5pt bull twice (yep twice) and lost him because I was so close to private and he jumped the fence. Couldn't get ahold of them for access and couldn't recover. Heart breaking.
    All in all - I would not burn a point on it. If you really want a tag you could do it first choice - but I'm not sure about that either. To me it's a good backup plan. If you really just want to elk hunt I'd get the reduced price cow tag.
    Thanks a lot. Much appreciated. Sorry about your lost bull. That’s awful. It happens though.
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