Recent content by brockel

  1. brockel

    Spend my Bonus - Part Deux

    SRP brass and RL26?
  2. brockel

    NR Upland Seasons (LC3901)

    Lots of morning hunts and afternoon hunts happening as well. Guessing the daily limit is being abused a little
  3. brockel

    Spend my Bonus - Part Deux

    22”+. Even still you aren’t gaining a ridiculous amount of velocity over the standard 22-250. Where the 22 creed gains its advantage is that most all 22 creed reamers have a much longer throat than your standard 22-250 so you can run your high bc bullets. But tikkas are unique in that...
  4. brockel

    Spend my Bonus - Part Deux

    At the barrel length you are looking at there’s only a 75-100fps difference between the 22-250 and the creed. #1 for me
  5. brockel

    Gunsmithing at gunpoint

    That’s a snowmobile shotgun right there
  6. brockel

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    Going to take non resident tags going unsold before any change is made by fwp
  7. brockel

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    Region 7 would like a word with you
  8. brockel

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    Lived here all my life. I dislike winter more and more every year. REALLY dislike it when coyote prices are shit. Of course my nearest wind block for our place is about 4 miles away 😂
  9. brockel

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    We could also start keeping $150 from each non resident application like Arizona does. That would add up quick
  10. brockel

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    Bird hunting in my slice of Montana is busier now than when we actually had a good pheasant population. So I’d say YES
  11. brockel


    As far as I know they have started making their own
  12. brockel

    Blending powders

    Same powders though right? I believe this post is about like mixing h4350 with h1000
  13. brockel

    Blending powders

    Told the wife that when I kick the bucket put my ass out in the hills so the coyotes can have me. Figured it was the least I could do for all the hell I’ve gave them.
  14. brockel

    Blending powders

    Would be the same concept as COW fireforming though I wouldn’t do it with a full house load
  15. brockel

    Blending powders

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