Caribou Gear Tarp

Recent content by Bluffgruff

  1. Bluffgruff

    A little help in CO

    But antelope meat >>>>>> deer meat!
  2. Bluffgruff

    Help launch the North American Pronghorn Foundation - GoFundMe

    I'd be in for a hat, stickers, and a life membership when all these things happen
  3. Bluffgruff

    Interesting article.

    I'm curious to hear more about this. Anyone have the Montana public hunter perspective on the evolution of the group and involvement of their policy director as it pertains to access and opportunity?
  4. Bluffgruff

    Help launch the North American Pronghorn Foundation - GoFundMe

    Whatever raises the most money, in this case.
  5. Bluffgruff

    Help launch the North American Pronghorn Foundation - GoFundMe

    @brocksw Are you auctioning membership #1?
  6. Bluffgruff

    Utah Buck Pronghorn, Pine Valley, Limited Entry, Any Weapon

    Check the Utah DWR hunt planner. It usually has a section on biologist notes for a given season. I wish I had specific info on the unit, but I don't.
  7. Bluffgruff

    HB-1258 Scientific Wildlife Management

    Sent an email to every committee member yesterday, got replies from a couple members. Unfortunately, none of the members are my reps. I made my point and sent an NPR article in support of the importance of hunters, et al in wildlife management. I'm hoping the monetary reality and scientific...
  8. Bluffgruff

    Ultralight Block and Tackle (a neat product and a DIY Hack)

    Viadana pulleys and 5/32" dyneema. 1000lb working load limit. Learn to splice dyneema because knots aren't as good because of how slippery it is. Realistically pick up 3x your body weight with a 4:1 system.
  9. Bluffgruff

    2025 Wy draw

    I was trying to find from which areas the one shot pulls its tags, but could only guess based on over-allocation that 65, 66, 67, 68, and 106 with 13-28 tags extra issued for each area last year were the main ones. I'd say cut that org entirely out and give 10 to NAPF for fundraising purposes.
  10. Bluffgruff

    Southern CO Turkey

    Definitely are. Not really hard to find either. Use the hunting atlas. Plains birds gobble earlier than mountain birds.
  11. Bluffgruff

    GoFundMe for USFS Native Fish Biologist - Laid off 7 months pregnant

    Anybody who will sit at 13600 feet for 10 hours freezing his ass off, then walk 16 miles the next day with a heavy backpack, for anyone else, for any reason, is a worthy soul. He's a good guy and deserving of the community's support.
  12. Bluffgruff

    NM trukey/bear

    I'll care if they ever let nonresidents hunt goulds
  13. Bluffgruff

    Colorado Big Game Brochure 2025

    Usually new hunts that didn’t have confirmed quotas when they last updated the document.
  14. Bluffgruff

    HB-1258 Scientific Wildlife Management Another way to get their contact info

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