Recent content by bayoublaster7527

  1. B

    Name & fee change coming to NM

    All this about decreasing non-resident tags and not a single concern about only one hunter/angler seat on the commission? With Wildlife For All flexing their muscle, co-writing the bill…..
  2. B

    It Never Ends

    Yep. They have reorganized and are coming after trapping and mountain lion hunting through the commission. Full court press. The most disturbing part of that meeting was an anti-hunting public commenter openly accused CPW Wildlife Officers of colluding with hunters and anglers to cover up...
  3. B

    Colorado SB 25-003 gun ban defunds CPW

    This bill passed committee last night along party lines 7-4. Committee members voted to defund wildlife programs and divert $1.2 million from the Wildlife Cash Fund to semi-automatic firearms licensing. I really don’t understand why the hunting-angling-wildlife conservation orgs aren’t raising...
  4. B

    Name & fee change coming to NM

    Absolutely. Coming to NM shortly. And with only one hunter/angler seat on the 7-seat commission, you’re toast.
  5. B

    Name & fee change coming to NM

    What is odd to me was when they were looking to decrease landowner and non-resident tags, there were all these NM hunting org reps on HuntTalk posting long threads making their case. Now that they will be on the wrong end of a 6-1 wildlife commission voting bloc against WFA, not a word…..crickets.
  6. B

    Name & fee change coming to NM

    Yeah, it was my understanding NMWF wrote the bill basically along with Audubon, WFA, etc. They aren’t concerned about only one hunter or angler seat on commission. Even hosted Kevin Bixby of WFA at a recent event, where Bixby used his platform to take a dig at Randy Newberg. Anti’s will claim...
  7. B

    HB-1258 Scientific Wildlife Management

    Kinda crazy that Velasco represents a rural, west slope district. Seems she benefited from recent re-districting. Her district includes Aspen, Glenwood Springs, and Rifle.
  8. B

    Name & fee change coming to NM

    Looks like this bill is pretty close to passing the legislature. I raised my concern with hunters and anglers only holding one seat. Seems the NM wildlife orgs aren’t terribly concerned. Pretty dangerous precedent going forward considering what happened in WA and what’s happening CO. Wildlife...
  9. B

    Colorado SB 25-003 gun ban defunds CPW

    Updated with HOUSE Judiciary Committee information. SB 25-003 goes to the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, March 11.
  10. B

    Colorado SB 25-003 gun ban defunds CPW

    Colorado SB 25-003 bans semi-automatic firearms that accept detachable magazines. An amendment to the bill created a carve out where individuals could purchase the above banned firearms by acquiring a FOID, which requires a class administered by Colorado Parks and Wildlife. According to the...
  11. B

    CO wolf ban ballot initiative. Is overturning ballot box biology by a ballot initiative still ballot box biology or the opposite?

    Staring down a $1 billion state budget deficit, I believe most reasonable Coloradans would agree that money should not be diverted from roads, schools, healthcare, affordable housing, and public safety in order to continue this special interest driven science experiment of wolf reintroduction.
  12. B

    HB-1258 Scientific Wildlife Management

    It was a good win, but it was also a glimpse of the fight ahead. The proponents of HB 25-1258 (same folks behind Prop 127) have mobilized an army of activists determined to eliminate the trapping of furbearers. Between the committee hearing and CPW commission meeting this week, bobcat trapping...
  13. B

    HB-1258 Scientific Wildlife Management

    Gonna bump this again, HB 25-1258 gets committee hearing tomorrow. Get your calls, emails, testimony in. Updated HOWL link below:
  14. B

    HR404 introduced. Hearing protection act

    Never made sense to me to level such restrictive regulations on a sound reduction accessory. If someone can legally own the firearm, who cares about the accessories? Regulations centered around a Hollywood/Movie understanding of firearms, not actual physics, ballistics, and criminal science.
  15. B

    HB-1258 Scientific Wildlife Management

    Apparently there is no level of deceit or dishonesty that the Prop 127/CATS/HB 1258 proponents won’t stoop to in their pursuit of silencing hunters. Now they are telling the committee members that all the Colorado hunters emailing them are frauds and not real people, just HOWL bots or something...

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