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Recent content by Archeryonly

  1. Archeryonly

    Arizona Unit 23 Late Archery Elk

    Looks like you have the support you need on this hunt. I just got a call from the AZFGD and I will be hunting this season as well! I am scrambling a bit since this was not something I planned, but I will be able to scout the week prior to the hunt. I will also be going solo, so let me know if...
  2. Archeryonly

    Big sky total archery challenge

    I will be there. More fun than you would think. Don't forget to wear a t-shirt that is two sizes too small!
  3. Archeryonly

    WY Area 53 Type 9 - Outfitter or DIY?

    I would recommend an outfitter (Unless you can find a willing Wyoming resident). From my limited experience in the area, the elk on this unit are concentrated in the wilderness. However, we saw some fantastic bulls on this unit during the early season. You will be chasing quality elk for sure!!
  4. Archeryonly

    Cam Hanes new book “Endure”

    Aw Hell, I guess I have achieved "fan-boy" status! I will get a flat brimmed hat pronto! But seriously, every quality person I have interacted with had one thing in common, they all outworked the guys next to him. I guess I am a sucker for a strong work ethic. #naive?
  5. Archeryonly

    Trial of the century

    That is the funniest graphic I have ever seen!! Especially the asterisk!
  6. Archeryonly

    Cam Hanes new book “Endure”

    I have met cam 2x over the years. Both short interactions were very positive. I could not believe how much his body changed between those meetings. From a pure physical conditioning standpoint, he is an inspiration. You just can't outwork the guy. I just ordered the book and am looking...
  7. Archeryonly

    2022 Fat-Off

    Congratulations on 33 years!!!! You are my new hero!!
  8. Archeryonly

    total archery challenge

    Groups are usually 4-8 people. They try to keep groups together if at all possible. I have always shot solo and joined the group scheduled at my time, so I will not be much help. When you signup you can add as many people as there are slots available at that time, but I believe they will all...
  9. Archeryonly

    Another retirement investment question

    I am in strong favor of as much $ you can put into a roth as possible. (I will be doing roth conversions for the next 5 or so years to up my allocation.) Although it may not feel like it, (adjusted for inflation) tax rates are at historic lows. Government debt is at historic highs. Something...
  10. Archeryonly

    What do you do with your old bows?

    I keep mine for a handful of years and give them away. I am not made of money, but after they benefit me for years I try to find someone who will appreciate the chance to extend the fun.
  11. Archeryonly

    Anyone use the spot hog fast eddie hunting?

    I hunt with the fast eddie 3 pin. bullet proof sight. I just purchased the triple stack to see if I like the straight line pins any better. I will let you know how I like it. My one complaint ( I really searching for a problem) is that there is no where on this sight to attach my hamskea...
  12. Archeryonly

    total archery challenge

    I have shot Snowbird and Big Sky. I am planning on Park City and Colorado this year. Always a good time! Once them moved from a free for all to the scheduled nock times, the experience has been greatly improved. In the 15 years I have been doing the Snowbird shoot (long before TAC...
  13. Archeryonly

    Protect me from myself!!

    Aw, the voice of reason. Thanks for settling me down. I did not realize how bad my elk addiction really is. I may need medication! (Or a job with more time off!)
  14. Archeryonly

    Protect me from myself!!

    I need to make the most out of my scouting time. With limited days available, I know the right thing to do is save my days, head down to my unit before my hunt and scout for bulls after they have moved into their rutting areas. I can learn the unit, find access points, and maximize my time. I...

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