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  • Any contacts near Gillette, antelope 23? My son and a friend are headed out that way the 12th. Any helping is much appreciated. It’s our first trip. We have two type 1 buck tags and my friend has a doe tag for private only. He’s 76, veteran and a good dude. Like to him and the boy (15) have best opportunity.
    Heath Knipp
    Heath, I hunted a small ranch about 20 miles South of Gillette on Highway 50 but it was nine years ago. Don't know if they're still taking in hunters right on or not. They usually are booked up by now.
    Their names are Kenneth and Janis Geer. Phones are 307-682-3006 and 307-660-6737. Good luck, I'm 76 also, a Vietnam vet and try to be a good guy so tell your friend I said "Welcome home brother".
    turn loose
    Thanks for your service and your help!
    Glad to be of help.
    Don't get up that way much since my daughter left Raleigh. I grew up in Robeson Cty., lived away for 15 years before moving to Gastonia and have been here 40 years. I'm on the NC Gun Owners (NCGO) and NCHunt&Fish forums under another moniker.
    I too am in NC. Between Hillsborough and Roxboro. Always curious to see if people on these sites may be someone I know.
    You thinking local or out West? I've been in communication with a gentlemen in East Tennessee about a trip to Southern CO for elk but we haven't had our get together for compatibility meeting as yet; might not happen this year. What did you have in mind? RT
    Didn't want to post info on FB. Our controlled hunt for cows starts on the 15th, will be there on the 13th to set up camp. Three different small herds found where they come off private alfalfa fields to public. If we fill all three tags, us old pharts will have our hands full. With five grandkids to feed I/we took the *easy draw* so no horn this year. Wish us luck!
    Any time is fine, we're nightowls, usually up 'til near midnight. Not much family time anymore, kids live out of town and it's just Ma and me sitting around like a couple of bears. As soon as I get the grass cut and dirt pulled up to my garden crop I'll be working on putting the final finish on my rifle stock. That's a couple of hours work and then five days to dry, repeat that for about 5/6 times then move to a finer grit of sandpaper, more wet sanding, waiting for it to dry and repeat, etc. At that rate it will be August before I'm finished with the stock. It's already final inletted, pillar bedded and action bedded too, so maybe I'll get to work up some loads, lap the barrel and get it broke in by that time too.
    43 days and counting, cannot come fast enough! Have been meaning to call you, but always worried I may interrupt your family time. What is the best time of day for you?
    Couple of Miss Grace when we snowmobiled into our place in OR for MLK weekend.

    Congratulations to that grandchild, parents and grandparents!! Really made me smile. Also would like to thank you for making my day with the phone call. Have been kind of down going through a company re-org and was afraid they would cut me loose before I had all our ducks in a row. Appears they will keep me around until the 1st of August. Dangit! By the way, address below.

    Larry & Judy Little
    1420 S. Arcadia St.
    Boise, Idaho 83705
    Not going to post this up.

    Judy and the girls went to a concert last night. Judy dropped Christy off and here and Andrea came home because Andrea parked her car at our house. Told her I would go out and start her car so it would warm up, came back in and this....
    I don't want you guys to get worried, but when I went in for my MRI on the 2nd it didn't come back good. I will be having another scan on the morning of the 20th and they will let me know it my brain cancer has returned and how bad (5+ year survivor and only had 2 year survival rate after surgery, chemo and radiation). Those kids have been living with this since the 2nd and luckily son-in-law said she should come clean with mom and dad. Needless Judy and I devastated, but if they can handle it we should also. If you happen to talk to the *big guy* they could use help. Crushed right now, but knowing the Lord is testing us all.
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