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WyoDoug 2022 Elk Hunt


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2019
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Well, if you read my other posts you would know that I almost was not able to hunt at all due to severe health issues. But we are at D-5 for the elk hunt now and I am checking and packing and repacking gear cuz I always seem to miss something when I close a bag or foot locker.

I was going to do bear too but guess what? Someone just had to kill a sow to take us to the mortality limit in our area. Oh well, here's to next year on bear.

I was going to hunt deer too, but my hunting partner got a new job and our archery section of the hunt got cancelled and that was where deer overlapped elk hunt. So no muley this year.

We officially go live on our hunt when I depart for our campsite on 23rd. Pics coming. I honestly do not know how many days I have left to hunt and know the day is coming where I just can't do it physically anymore but going to take advantage of what time I have left. I am 66 now and the physical limitations seem to get worse every year.

Primary goal is to fill the freezer with elk. But the first few days, I am going to see if I can locate a nice bull. Because of the primary goal being a meat hunt, I will likely hunt a bit lower where the cows are. The bulls should be breaking off from the herd and headed to their sanctuary areas so what I have will likely be satellite and young bulls to choose from. If I take a bull, it will be a nice mature one. Otherwise, I am taking a cow. We will also be doing some fishing, grouse and small game hunting.
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Good luck WyoDoug. I sure hope the hunt goes well and you get that freezer stocked up. Enjoy the beauty, peace and quiet.

Looking forward to hearing more.
I have already exceeded my dad's hunting experience. He had to stop hunting in his 40s due to degenerative heart desease and passed at 50. Sometimes I wished he was around when I shot my first cougar and bear in Colorado. I always loved rubbing into him when he said I can't and I did anyways. If there is a way to do it, I intend to find a way to get it done. This year, it is thanks to my hunting partner or I would be sitting at home.
Well, I had to come back. Apparently an episode with TIA. Follow up appointment on Friday. Waiting for everyone to get back before I post a lot of details. First 3 days was white out blizzard condition. I was extremely fatiqued and likely dehydrated which does not help the situation. I will say this though, we got elk. Details later. I need to get to bed.

My buddies all reported back to me while I was convelacing in hunt camp that they saw moose, sheep including a ram with a good 4 inches past full circle. Also deer and a some squirrells. Definetly say we had wildlife on top of that mountain.
Nothing like altitude, dehydration, fatigue, and excitement to bring on a spell of … well… something. My Mom was hospitalized overnight once for suspected TIA. She was 100% fine a day later. Has some history of fainting all her life too. Always lets herself get hungry and dehydrated. Hopefully yours was a one-off incident and you are back at it fully recharged soon.
Well, time to post some images from our hunt. Unfortunately, my health issues struck and I was limited mostly to tent sleeping it off. Combination of altitude sickness, a TIA attack and dehydration which I should know better. My friend Chris did get a huge cow, so we did get some elk, but other than that, one of the most miserable times for me due to health issues.


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Doug, I had a TIA out in the pasture in 2020. My left side wouldn't work. An ultrasound showed my right carotid artery 90% blocked. Had the surgery ( carotid endarterectomy) and haven't had any trouble since. I'm 69 and have to pick hunts I feel I can still do from start to finish. Kind of narrows it down. Every day out there is now special.
A video of our camp set up.
Doug, I had a TIA out in the pasture in 2020. My left side wouldn't work. An ultrasound showed my right carotid artery 90% blocked. Had the surgery ( carotid endarterectomy) and haven't had any trouble since. I'm 69 and have to pick hunts I feel I can still do from start to finish. Kind of narrows it down. Every day out there is now special.
I am 66 with no blockages BUT very high chloresterol to bring down. Got some brain athrophy associated with aging is all the CT and US shows. Doc wants me on statins but they cause muscle cramps in my family that I will not take them, so asking for other prescriptions. Other than that, I am 66 and looking at life the same way.
@WyoDoug I would suggest you at least try the statins. Familial history does not mean you will also be affected. And beware of the placebo effect. Preconceived ideas can easily manifest themselves into “reality”.
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