Welfare ranchers in MT want even more

*sigh* i guess it was too good to last, decent discussion nominal name-calling , good points being made on both sides...

Then the third grade let out...
Sorry mule, I outgrew that when I was about 25. Most people do outgrow it, the rest just remain drunken assholes the rest of their lives....
Mule, I doubt you've had a woman around you long enough for you to even think about picking on one.
I'll bet My "FUZZ" and "MONTEL" are just slining e mails left and right!

Mule, I wouldnt vote to ban you, nor have I sent anyone an email.

If you do get banned, you know my email address there big man.

By the way, how bigga old boy are ya.
No I don't have your e mail addy.

Mind posting it?

How big? Higher than the highest mountain!

Bigger than the biggest tree!
But honestly,

I'm 4 foot 2 inch tall. I'm a hundred pounds overweight and I have diabetes.

My left foot is infected with jungle wart.

My right index finger has a worm crawling out.

My butt is itchy

It takes a platoon of marines to load my fat ass into a car.

It'll pass and landowner and outfitters want it and they have the money to lobby for it. Besides Lane is done at the RMEF and he was the commissioner at FWP but had to quit that to go to RMEF. So hes gone, this is nearly a done deal.
Lost, Don't the hunters have any clout in MT? Don't your representatives in the legislature listen to you when you contact them? If not, are you gonna vote for them again anyway? In fact, last time you voted didn't you know from their voting record how they'd vote on something like this?

What sportsman's group best represents hunters and fishermen at the MT legislature?

I bet you don't even know! :D

You're a far right wing wacko and those guys you voted for because they're the same as you are gonna screw you now (according to you). Must make you feel kinda stupid, if you're able to figure it out! :D You rednecks will never learn! :D

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-20-2002 19:43: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
IT, Wrong on all accounts. btw, I'm a workingman and a workingman has to be a demo even if some of the elected demos are ****ups/blown/whatever.
Lost, Just what I thought. You don't have any idea!

"Welcome to Montana's oldest, largest & most effective conservation organization - the Montana Wildlife Federation (MWF). Founded in 1935 by conservationists, landowners, hunters and anglers, the MWF is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation of our natural resources and wildlife heritage including fishing and hunting."


Try looking at their web site and find out everything they do and have done in the past. Who do you think is lobbying your Legislature for hunters and anglers? You think The Nature Conservancy is taking the lead in any of those issues the MT Wildlife Fed. is working on?! Wake up!
Let's see if I am reading this right? You guys want to get the ranchers off the range, but would like them to make their land available to you to hunt on for little or no cost. You guy's are all take and no give. Has any of you ever cracked open YOUR wallets to buy out grazing rights? Show of hands. I can see where the ranchers have developed their skrew you additude.

This plan sucks but I haven't seen anyone of your better ideas. I don't have any bright ideas either, lots of tough issues here, but this I can guarentee you. If we want to continue to hunt, we need to be friends of the ranchers, not enemies. This crap talk is not helping!

Paul, For about 150 years it's been the ranchers who are " all take and no give."

You wanta know about buying out grazing leases? Take a look at the problems Marvel has had with the insider system when he tried that!


And once again, for those of you who are too feeble minded to comprehend what I've posted many times, I'm not in favor of eliminating grazing. But I do want all public land restored to excellant condition. It's possible, but not without reforming grazing practices. I don't see where the problem is, since all welfare ranchers claim to love the land they graze!

Why do we need to be "friends with ranchers" to hunt on public land?
Paul , on the grazing issue, you'd really have to go back a few pages to fully understand where all the players stand on grazing and access. We are to the point on this that all (ok most) have heard where the others stand and the discussions are more abbreviated than it should be.

Nutshell: no one really wants grazing eliminated if proper management practices are followed , especially toward the conservative side of the regs.
But on the same token hunters should not be denied access either since the ranchers are only leasing grass (so to speak) and they generally bitch about wild critters eating the browse.
I think that blanket statement would pretty much include the views of most here.

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