Suck for these people.

That's not the law. When you're a guest in another country you abide by their laws, regardless of how American centric your world views are.

So your example is pointless and asinine.
I was born and raised in Canada. But thanks for that comment.
Why do I need to be empathetic for those reasons? People break laws all the time, am I supposed to be empathetic for every one of them because it was an accident? What defines an accident in your eyes? What defines an accident in my eyes?

Many people in prison are fathers and fellow hunters should I be empathetic for them as well? Should I only be empathetic for weapons related crimes? What about drug? What about vice crimes?

Should I not be emphatic if they were single without kids? What if they weren't US citizens?
You should be empathetic because one day you’ll get caught up on the wrong side of some bull shit. Hopefully, it isn’t something you’ll get twelve years of jail time for.
That kind of mistake is easy to do. I had some folks from Seattle come into town for a technical design review and they brought a bunch of merch. In that merch were pen knives. I stuck all the stuff in my laptop backpack and forgot about it. My next business trip TSA found it. This was pre 9/11 so they just confiscated it. Wasn't a big deal at the time; probably would be a big deal today.
We have a leader in the clubhouse for most asinine HT posting of 2024 . . .

Really? That's where corruption and ridiculous legal systems are born, through leadership that lacks common sense and logic...that was kind of a low blow, I usually expect better stuff from you
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You should be empathetic because one day you’ll get caught up on the wrong side of some bull shit. Hopefully, it isn’t something you’ll get twelve years of jail time for.
You mean like the millions of Americans in prison for low level drug crimes?

This happens all the time in America, it's just not brought up because it predominantly effects lower income non-white.

So no, I won't waste my empathy on this. If you don't want to be held accountable to other countries laws, don't leave the US.
You should be empathetic because one day you’ll get caught up on the wrong side of some bull shit. Hopefully, it isn’t something you’ll get twelve years of jail time for.
The first cold day of the first duck season that the law required non-toxic shot, I wore a parka I hadn't used since the year before. There just happened to be two shells in a pocket loaded with lead. That day is the only day I have ever been checked by a game warden while duck hunting. Nobody felt sorry for me. Nobody volunteered to help pay the fine, even though I was a hunter with a wife and two little kids to support. As a matter of fact, my friends all laughed at me for being so stupid and my wife just gave me that "look" and shook her head, making me feel even more stupid. That's the way it should be.

I didn't get 12 years but it's the same principle.
It’s not the same principle. The principle here is does the punishment fit the crime. In your case it likely did. Your life wasn’t destroyed. You laughed about it. In the case of these tourists, I’d argue otherwise.
The state gets to decide what punishment fits the crime. Most countries, unlike the US, are very serious about preventing gun violence. They feel that the punishment is right for the crime, therefore it is. When traveling abroad you have to suspend the idea that the American way is the right way and accept that the way it is in the country you are visiting is the right way in that time and place.

I never feel sorry for tourists that get in trouble with the law in foreign countries.
I was born and raised in Canada. But thanks for that comment.

Do you think the Canadian Government would show more empathy and greater leadership in this situation?

While it 100% sucks for them, this is 100% their fault. Complacency kills or in this case, may lead to 12 years in jail. You are responsible for your firearms and its ammunition.

Definitely not going to Turks and Caicos anytime soon. There are better Caribbean islands to visit.

I don't think they will miss your business and there are probably plenty of Americans ready to go.
The last time we landed and departed from Cabo there were auto weaponed strapped soldiers everywhere at the airport. We rented Harleys in Cabo and the 'escorts' we hired as guides paid off strapped soldiers at every checkpoint from Cabo to La Paz...and back. Doing that ride was a folly...I'm staying stateside.
You mean like the millions of Americans in prison for low level drug crimes?

This happens all the time in America, it's just not brought up because it predominantly effects lower income non-white.

So no, I won't waste my empathy on this. If you don't want to be held accountable to other countries laws, don't leave the US.
The last time we landed and departed from Cabo there were auto weaponed strapped soldiers everywhere at the airport. We rented Harleys in Cabo and the 'escorts' we hired as guides paid off strapped soldiers at every checkpoint from Cabo to La Paz...and back. Doing that ride was a folly...I'm staying stateside.
What kind of a world would we be without some good extortion.
I threw out a rough number, but let's see.

Feds say 45% of prisoners are for drug related offenses. [1]

Let's see, 1.25M prisoners total [2]

So no, not millions, I concede the point. But if we do add in parole it'll get above a million, not that's not in prison but close.


Moral of story "just say no" to drugs and ammo in suitcases.
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