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Some waterfowl questions


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2016
This is my rookie season duck hunting and I have yet to get into some decent action. My biggest problem is where I live. We have thousands of lakes in the arrowhead of Minnesota and I’m not on much of a flyway. The ducks that migrate through have a lot of options on where to hang out. Very few people duck hunt around here which has made it a lot of fun. The little lake that I was hunting on this evening was quit a coot whole. Given the fact that coots seam to like that spot is there a chance that I could find some migrating ducks there in the near future?
Certainly. Coots are one of the earliest migrators; I've often taken note of where they are for later in the season. On another note, I'm not afraid to kill a coot.
Certainly. Coots are one of the earliest migrators; I've often taken note of where they are for later in the season. On another note, I'm not afraid to kill a coot.
Thanks, I’ll keep my eye on that little lake. I shot 3 coot yesterday. I’ve heard that they taste horrible and I’ve heard that they are great. Only thing I can do is try them myself. They are interesting birds. I didn’t know anything about them until I started trying to be a waterfowl hunter.
This is my rookie season duck hunting and I have yet to get into some decent action. My biggest problem is where I live. We have thousands of lakes in the arrowhead of Minnesota and I’m not on much of a flyway. The ducks that migrate through have a lot of options on where to hang out. Very few people duck hunt around here which has made it a lot of fun. The little lake that I was hunting on this evening was quit a coot whole. Given the fact that coots seam to like that spot is there a chance that I could find some migrating ducks there in the near future?
Teal seem to gravitate to coots. Some times you won't even see them come in, they will just be swimming around with them.
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Don't get discouraged, more birds will be coming. Once things start to freeze, get out and scout hard and try to find warm water slews and springs that have open water. Also, don't overlook small water like beaver dam ponds. Take my advice with a grain of salt, I'm in MT, so my terrain here is completely different.
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