Yeti GOBOX Collection

Role playing games. D and D

I was at the Montana RenFest this past weekend - love a good Ren Faire! - chatting with some of these guys. They were part of some knightly order talking both about the ceremony as well as the combat, where they either don their armor then beat the crap out of each other with wooden weapons or fence with fencing sword + dagger or dual fencing swords. None of these guys were - how shall we say? - particular fit people, but they get out there every weekend (and more) getting their exercise. Their enthusiasm for what they do was contagious.
If there's a vaccine for that disease, I'll stand in line for a week to get my shot!
Haven't played since early 2000's. Bunch of were all working at a tool manufacturing plant and they cut us down to 3 days a week. Turned this into an opportunity to have potluck 4 days a week, saved a bunch on groceries.

Nowadays the only role playing I do is when I go over in my head that if iI draw a supertag and am going to attempt to take the mature road and not gloat like I rolled a D-20 and the threw the percentage di scoring 99% damage with my enchanted claymore that causes fire damage and with my dexterity score I can swing that bad boy three times in a round and kill the Dungeon Masters level 30 dragon that he spent a week coming up with.
I don't feel bad whatsoever that I don't know what in the hell you're talking about.
I tried to edit the post and ended up deleting it. I need to learn not to type until second cup of coffee at least. Back to nights for work isn't helping either.

In a nutshell, if I draw supertag this year I have roleplayed several scenarios out in my head. I will either be very mature about or turn into a complete dorky whiteboy.

Hope this clarifies things hehehehehe

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