Please Update Your Password

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
I'm on the road right now while Matthew and I work with the Xenforo tech team to reduce the likelihood of another spam session like yesterday.

Mudranger's PW was likely discovered by folks trying to hack his personal or financial information elsewhere. Using the same PW in multiple places is problematic if you are hacked by one of those groups. They easily track your web browsing and try the common user names and PWs they have observed you using.

Changing PWs helps a lot.

On our end we are buying a plug-in to block activity from any IP address that is not one of the whitelisted countries we approve.

Based on our traffic history, it is suggested we only approve the following countries:

New Zealand

Most spammers are based in Eastern Europe, Russia, Asia, or Africa.

That will be a bummer for less than 0.4% of our audience. But, we have to take more drastic steps than just subscribing to a known data base of spam IPs and fake emails.

Please help this effort by updating your PW.
I use purely random letters and characters in mine and I use long passwords and they are not maintained on my PC to be found. When I can't remember, I stick the thumb drive in my PC long enough to check and even those are encrypted and password protected. Easy to do and allows you to maintain very strong passwords and different ones for each place you visit. This is important especially for accounts dealing with financial information.
BigFin you mentioned the costly IT bills these issues generate. Is there any reason this website doesn't have a "donate" button? Every little bit can help and we all benefit from the service, and the hours you, Mrs, Matthew, and team give to it.
This is a good idea. You could use some of the money to go towards your conservation efforts too. It would give the rest of us an opportunity to participate and help out.
BigFin you mentioned the costly IT bills these issues generate. Is there any reason this website doesn't have a "donate" button? Every little bit can help and we all benefit from the service, and the hours you, Mrs, Matthew, and team give to it.
If there was a 99 cent per hour on this website I bet I’d donate more here than I do to western states during application seasons.
BigFin you mentioned the costly IT bills these issues generate. Is there any reason this website doesn't have a "donate" button? Every little bit can help and we all benefit from the service, and the hours you, Mrs, Matthew, and team give to it.
This has possibilities. It could be like the Swear Jar of HT.

Or we could go the tip jar route to recognize outstanding achievements.
BigFin you mentioned the costly IT bills these issues generate. Is there any reason this website doesn't have a "donate" button? Every little bit can help and we all benefit from the service, and the hours you, Mrs, Matthew, and team give to it.

Thanks for you thoughtful idea on this. It is an option with the forum software platform. Other forum owners I know use it and suggest I do the same. Just not in my nature to ask for donations.

Thanks again. I'll take it under advisement.
Charge $5 a year. Weeds out the one way street guys, looking for free intel. If any leftover $, donate to RMEF. Hell @Mudranger1 pays a lot more than that for his subscriptions..
Similar thoughts in my head.
I know this isn’t a money making proposition for the fresh Tracks ecosystem.
I’d happily pay freemium $20 a year to keep out the riffraff and ensure continuity of HT.
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