Obama and Owyhee


New member
Jul 30, 2015
Looking for some more I put on this situation. With everything going on in Oregon right now I've had some heated debates with family and friends. One being my uncle and he keeps on bringing up Obama turning the Steens into a National Monument??? Then I just saw this article and I don't know why but I'm having a hard time understanding it. Is this a bad thing for us public land hunters? Or does my uncle still have his tin foil hat on too tight from this whole Malhuer dispute? Here's the link:

Thanks for the help guys.
There are times and places for use of the Antiquities Act to create National Monuments. Now is not the time and the Owyhee is not the place, nor is the Grand Canyon Watershed National Monument proposal. If folks cannot see the stupidity of these actions at this time, then they have a very short horizon.

First, these lands are not in such dire need that they need the designation to protect them. Second, the impacts to some uses of the lands will be changed. Third, this is like put av gas on a bonfire that the anti-public land crowd is hoping happens.

Does it hurt or help public land hunters. Not directly, but the impacts it will have on the difficult public land battle ahead will make the battles far more difficult.
Thanks for the quick response. I guess I just wasn't sure on the intended purpose. I did a little bit of reading the last couple minutes and stumbled upon the Oregon Natural Desert Association website. Which it looks like they are supporters of this move. I read on there that claim the the US Fish and Wildlife came to a "warranted decision" on the sage grouse issue??? What the h*** are they talking about???
Are they one of the left wing enviro groups making crap up? Excuse my ignorance guys I'm trying to learn.
I spent a decade fighting for that country but it was a long time ago and as far as I'm concerned, I lost. But that's another story. I'm about to hit the rack but I'll offer one quick comment: Whatever is done or not done, I sure as hell hope the decision has no consideration of inflaming the sensitivities of sh*t stains like Bundy, et al. Fk them. And the horse they didn't ride in on. That would be like censoring a political cartoon because it might inflame some religious fanatics who are known to kill when they get butt hurt.

ION Senses

I’ll falter no more in declaration of this
The vision before me
All my fears have traced away
Here where I have seen thee

Just South of the East Fork
On this Paiute sacred knoll
Over rock and Rabbit Brush
Where the Earth is hot and whole

No grief in heat of this present sense
In this the August Owyhee
These forsaken waves of desert air
Peace is here and within me

Tremble not in this timbre round
Here the silence caught
Atop this high and holy ground
Is the pitch that I have sought

I free my tongue to your pure blood
Your sacred hoop’s sweet flavor
Above below and on the Earth
Your fleeting rain is savored

And given here your spirit soars
On breeze of sage and grass
Where life and death from tilted bow
Hurl sent of heaven past

Ten thousand square miles
To the Big Springs crystal fountains
There the Independence Range
And up the Jarbidge Mountains

Fly over the Shoshone sweep
And the Blue and the Grassy headlands
To snow capped Santa Rosa reach
Up and down Owyhee canyons

My heart grows huge and near as strong
Pray I earn my name
To save this sensing very long
Let others have the same


Owyhee silence is the song of my bones
So deep, so low, so dark, so slow
It beats the sweat out of my hide over days
Stinging, burning, it pulls, tugs my ears up, over, out in front of My head searching for sound
Leading me, pulling me, toward that abomination of desolation, That civilization
Away from the sound of myself
Get me to that distant cloud, that I might hear breeze in the sage, Rain on a rock, thunder, anything;
Quick, before I speak!
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There are times and places for use of the Antiquities Act to create National Monuments. Now is not the time and the Owyhee is not the place, nor is the Grand Canyon Watershed National Monument proposal. If folks cannot see the stupidity of these actions at this time, then they have a very short horizon.

First, these lands are not in such dire need that they need the designation to protect them. Second, the impacts to some uses of the lands will be changed. Third, this is like put av gas on a bonfire that the anti-public land crowd is hoping happens.

Does it hurt or help public land hunters. Not directly, but the impacts it will have on the difficult public land battle ahead will make the battles far more difficult.

Monuments generally are good for hunters and anglers in that it protects the habitats from unbridled development.

But I think you're probably right Randy. There needs to be more work done with folks in the area to find common ground before using either congress or the executive to create a monument or other designated area.

Roosevelt used the Antiquities Act effectively and with over 100 years of hindsight, we can see the wisdom in his breakneck pace of conservation. But it also means we still fight the same battles as he did, with the same lines in the sand being drawn.

The Senate just defeated an amendment to the Energy bill that would have gutted the landmark act, FYI.

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