Caribou Gear

Nevada Archery Mule Deer

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
After filling Jerry's Nevada antelope tag yesterday, we pulled camp and set up in the mountains of NE Nevada and scouted for my mule deer hunt. Troy will arrive with his camera talents on Wednesday, so we have one more day to find a buck to shoot. Hard to watch them, even when season is open.

Today we found nine bucks. Three were nice 4X4s and one was a really tall buck with great forks. He was only 24" wide, but his time length and height are more than enough for me to be putting arrows his direction.

Just back tonight. Will try to post some pics tomorrow. Will get better coverage tomorrow giving me more time and ability to add more flavor to this post.

I am pretty excited to see those bucks, as most the hunters and biologists I talked to told me to expect to see maybe five bucks per week. Season is open and it is hard to sit and glass when I could be stalking, but such is the life when producing TV.

I really hope to get some good footage of that best buck. He is not the classic wide muley, but has so much else going for him, that I will probably have tall-tined buck dreams tonight.

Lots of black cows here, so I can see Bessie the Montana Decoy Moo Cow getting put into action this trip.

Hit the sack now. More details tomorrow.
Good luck, looking forward to another great installment of Big Fin's awfully cruel of you to make us wait a whole year to watch it so you better have plenty of good pictures to post.
Good luck guys! Sounds like you are well on your way to getting some good footage and a good read for us stuck in the office.
Got some much needed sleep last night. This is what the back of the OYOA truck looks like after ten days of being on the road. Home sweet home.

Nevada has the best sunsets in the world, with NM and AZ coming in close second/third.

Got up early and we split up. I glassed 8 bucks this morning, 4 of which I would be glad to shoot with my bow, especially on film. Watched one buck shed his velvet from a long distance. Got no photos of him, but he is a shooter for me.

Here are pics of two big main frame three points. One has a tripod fork on his G2/G3. He has really good mass and height, even if not that wide. Would love to shoot him.

The other is a wide 25"-26" three point with no fork on the G2/G3





And one mother Chukar partridge calling to her brood. Too bad season isn't open.

Hope to glass up more this evening. Troy will bring his camera skills around mid-day tomorrow. By that time, I expect to have a lot of GPS coords punched in of where different buck groups are bedded. We don't have a lot of days to film this hunt. Public land archery mule deer is hard enough, but with a bow and trying to get it on film, it should be a pretty big challenge.

Wish me luck, as I am sure I will need it.
This is what the back of the OYOA truck looks like after ten days of being on the road. Home sweet home.

Wow, you would think an expensive camera like that would at least come with a case! ;)

Good luck! Looking forward to the play-by-play.
Big Fin said:
This is what the back of the OYOA truck looks like after ten days of being on the road.

Is that a pair of leopard skin underwear? I think you're taking the "Be the decoy" a bit too serious! :D

Good Luck Fin.
This evening glassing was not nearly what I had hoped for. Only one buck spotted and that was very far away. Good news is that when you can see antlers from that far away, he must be a decent buck.

Waiting to meet up with Longbow and Jerry to get their accounting of buck sightings. Hopefully better than mine.

Troy arrives tomorrow after lunch, so we will be "in pursuit" upon his arrival. Would be nice to get some stalking footage of the bucks I have been seeing. There are some good ones to be had.

My turn to cook dinner, so I better get going and sign off. Hope to provide big stories tomorrow night.


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