NASCAR Fantasy 2023

Unless it's been done very recently the site shows that I'm the only one to pay the $5. It also shows that unpaid players will only be able to play the first 4 races. 10 days until the first race!
Looks like I finally have some competition for this season. @Hilljackoutlaw shows as being paid. The rest of you are only going to be able to play the first 4 weeks. I see that the site owner has changed the language and the asking for a donation has been changed to require a fee. $5 is not a deal breaker for me. Maybe for a new player it might be but I enjoy trying to figure out how to make my picks and score more than you others do. If you folks don't want to play this season I understand. Those that do, thanks. Maybe next year if it stays the same I'll take a head count and see if it is worth doing again.
Actually, not sure about next year myself. Yeah, it's "only" 5 bucks but it just crossed the line from a fun activity to something that needs to be paid for. I'll see what happens next year and as a group we can decide what we do. Until then, we have a few of us that will go for our own bragging rights.
I considered it but a couple weeks ago I went to a gun show, $10 at the door per person. I saw everything I wanted to see in about 20 minutes, $5 seems like a steal for a whole NASCAR season of entertainment and based on that website he definitely poured some time into it
We put our 10 bucks (5 more then this league) into a league with a payout. At least I have a reward to chase now with my down payment
I see there are a couple new folks that signed up for the league. Don't be shy, post away!
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