Little piles of white papers


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2014
Y'all need to learn to poop at home. These piles of tp at forest road gates are out of hand. I'm blaming adult onset hunters who don't know that: A. You get up an hour extra early and have a cup of coffee and B. You're supposed to bury that crap. Between the e-bike tracks and piles of papers these just ain't the woods I used to know. Poop at home. That is all.
I may have related these words of wisdom before but I think they bear repeating. True story,,,, I was running dozer way out in the back country when the call of nature came. No biggie until clean up. All I had handy were some mechanics hand wipes. WITH PUMICE. Never ever, and I repeat, NEVER EVER use handi wipes with pumice.
You complain about the forest being litter with all those brown speckled snow snakes, but it can be worse. There are people who leave a deposit and don't mark it in any way. They just leave it hidden there on the forest floor, waiting for some innocent, unsuspecting Forest Service employee wearing lug soled boots to come along and step in it.

The government does offer counseling and emotional support for employees who experience such traumatic events while on the job, but considering the fact that my mindset was heavily influenced by high school coaching staffs of the 60s and 70s. I chose to just "walk it off." Both literally and metaphorically. A decision that may have left emotional scars to this day.
When I'm hunting areas with softer dirt I'm mad when it's not buried.

When I'm hunting rocky areas where you're lucky if you can dig 1/4 inch of pine duff, I don't mind those little white warning flags so I don't step in it again. But at least throw a few rocks on it!
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Boonie-crapping is only natural. Do bears shit in the woods?
A bear was shitting in the woods one day, and a rabbit came hopping by.

Bear says, "Hey Rabbit, do you have a problem with shit getting stuck in your fur?"

"Nope," replied Rabbit smugly.

So Bear grabbed the rabbit and wiped his ass with him.
I am so anal (!) that I have to bury then cover with rocks.

its one of the few rules I have if you hunt on my property. I don't want to find your crap.
You drink a bunch of beer the night before and have a cup of coffee in the morning on the way to your favorite hunting spot.

While you’re diggin a hole, you’ll be filling your shorts 🤪
just drop it on the road and be sure to mark it. Someone’s dog will eat it.

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