HR 4697 Cheney to amend 1984 Wyoming Wilderness Act


New member
Mar 28, 2017
I don't know of the link will work. So far it's the only article I have found. This is right in the middle of the state's best backcountry hunting and fishing. Now I don't know the effect that heli-ski operations have on the landscape, but I do know what dirt bike and ATV trails do to an area as sensitive as this. To me, this is just one step in sacrificing our (mostly) untouched wilderness areas to people with the money to exploit and privatize what they can. What comes after lifting monument protections you say? How about lifting wildlife refuge protections, then lifting wilderness protections. This administration is like the anti T.R. and they seem to be efficient and deliberate in undoing many conservation based Acts in benefit of (dare I say) mineral extraction. Apparently we are not being vocal enough. Time to call Barrasso, Enzi and Cheney. Discussion?
....governing for the benefit of the majority of the constituency......

"High Mountain Heli-Skiing advertises on its website the limited availability of skier days available in the Palisades Wilderness Study Area. “Only a few lucky skiers will ever again fly into the Wyoming side of the Snake River Range, officially the Palisades Wilderness Study Area (WSA),” the website reads. “Again for 2018, only exclusive private tours will be offered in the WSA.” A day for eight persons is listed for $15,950".
"A day for eight persons is listed for $15,950."

"Seems to be an issue shared by many constituencies...... "

I'll believe that when me chit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbet.

This is an issue shared by those with boat loads of money in Teton county who can afford Heli-skiing.
Unfortunately, I think there's a lot of misinformation and under education in our state when it comes to politics, let alone conservation and multi-use management. Not that many folks consider the wilderness as multi-use land. In my opinion (little that it matters so far) there's plenty of public land already being used and developed in our state. The majority of it, really, which is great as long as it's done responsibly concerning the natural ecology of the land. I may be reaching and I hope that I am. But it almost seems like they've seen enough recoil on sage grouse habitat conservation that now they're going places where sage grouse are not simply to stir up the same problem in a different ecosystem. I know many people here view progressive thinking and forward thinking as the "California mindset". But I have seen the public lands during the energy booms and busts in my life. I just thought the lands were over hunted and fished during the booms. Then i experienced the bust (including losing my own job). As the traffic and development died down, the sage flats and foothills came to life. The creeks, rivers, and lakes became more fruitful. And even though I was spending less time afield, the quality was way higher. I have no doubts the cause was directly related to environmental protection policies enacted during the Obama administration that. Now I won't say I voted for the guy or approved of much that came from his administration. But I will say that things have been looking up. And I think we can still utilize the mineral resources we have so long as we let responsible science and conservation lead the way. It seems everyone is just looking for the next boom to bust instead of thinking progressively about how we can improve our current economy and take advantage of a resource that is always in demand (outdoor recreation) while keeping a steady, responsible energy production. For the record, I didn't vote for her...haha!
Also to the last comment. I didn't credit the conservation groups out there hunter and angler based as well as environmental conservation based for the huge role they've played in revitalizing the ecosystem in Wyoming. They deserve tons of credit and gratitude.
Caribou Gear

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